------------------------Original Text------------------
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
The state in the world did not bring. Lenin, Stalin's proud blasphemy and ������ with them ��� a sign
Time about turncoats on Daniel's prophecy.
The period of collectivization ��� terrible page of history of the USSR. Vainly from breasts of millions and millions Russians the sigh of simplification was pulled out. When later 7 years after bloody October revolution the first and main usurper of imperial and Russian empire of Century I.Lenin has died (TWISTED).
I.Stalin who has greedy absorbed ideas of Marx and Lenin, has presented two Ulyanov's world in the uniform person. Mind it was not great, but knew as a real devil in it. Lenin's "smart" freedom it liquidated all with heads of the enemies. Lenin's colleagues because the majority of them, certainly, were more competently and more cleverly it. Trotsky managed to escape the head abroad only therefore. That all army forces and �������������� bolsheviks openly expressed to it sympathies. Trotsky for them was Lenin today. But there is from them nobody either in children and or in grandsons. The severe executioner cut off all under a root and, even bones threw out from the ground, Suspected. That in Lenin's death it was ��������������. However, who that sowed, that and has shaken that. In fact the first Lenin has founded terrible and with what not ������������������ prisons and a concentration camp. Felix Dzerzhinsky under its instruction has founded such group: ����, which and in new sets all the same lenin; and it then liquidates
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
State in the world brings. Gordov blasphemy Lenin, Stalin and below them - a sign Time to pervert prophecy of Daniel. PERIOD KOLLEKTIVIZATSII 1 The period of collectivization - a terrible page of history of the Soviet Union. In vain from the breasts of millions and millions of Russians escaped a sigh of relief. when after 7 years after a bloody coup, died on October first and main usurper Tsarist Russian Empire and V. I. Lenin (VIL). J. Stalin, greedily absorbed the ideas of Marx and Lenin, gave the world two Ulyanovyh a single his face. Sensibly, he was not great, but knew as a regular in the devil. All «ingenious» freedom of Lenin, he removed with the heads of their enemies. Lenin's companions, because most of them, of course, were literate and smarter than him. Trotskomu managed to save his head fleeing abroad just because. that all armed forces and lenintsy Bolsheviks openly expressed its sympathies. Trotsky was Lenin for them today. But no one man nor the children and grandchildren in either. Violent executioner srezal all under the root and even bone emitted from the earth, was suspected. that the death of Lenin, he was guilty. However, those that sow, he then shook. For the first Lenin created terrible and neither is not comparable to prisons and concentration camps. Felix Dzerzhinsky to its instructions to establish this panel: the KGB, which in the new sets are the same Leninist, and it was then eliminates 8
------------------------End google Translator------------------
------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
state in the world did not bring. Proud blasphemy of Lenin, Stalin and to [izhe] with them - the sign
time about the defectors on the prophecy of Danil.
Period of collectivization - terrible page of the history of the USSR. In vain the sigh of lightening was pulled out from breasts of millions and millions of Russians. when after 7 years after bloody October revolution died the first and main usurper of tsarist and Russian empire [V]. [I]. Lenin (PITCHFORKS).
[I]. Stalin, who greedily absorbed the ideas of Marx and Lenin, presented to peace two Ulyanovs in his united face. By mind he was not great, but he knew as real in it devil. All crafty freedoms of Lenin it liquidated with head of its enemies. the companions-in-arms of Lenin, because majority of them were undoubtedly more competent and it is clever him. Trotsky succeeded in saving his head by flight abroad only therefore. that all army forces and the Leninists Bolsheviks openly expressed to it sympathy. Trotsky for them was Lenin today. Then there is of them no one either in the children and or in the grandsons. Cruel hangman cut off all under the root and, he ejected even bones from the earth, they suspected. that in Lenin's death it was guilty. However, who that sowed, that shook. Indeed first Lenin founded the terrible and without anything not comparable prisons also of concentration camp. Felix Dzerzhinskiy for its indication founded this group: [CHK], which and in the new collections entire the same Leninist; and precisely it then liquidates
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