Saturday, November 1, 2008

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It was afraid for us because the wind was up to that strong, that brought down from legs and could carry away in night of a bad weather. Clearly, that three day we starved; to not go was even for ��������������. �� From breakage will be broken, ��� the father shouted. ��� and there ��� abyss! Who will sink ��� do not come! ��
It spoke it not for fun though the joke turned out. Having penetrated into an essence of the words, the father twisted a moustache and slightly smiled.
Morning of the fourth day was surprisingly silent. ���������� the sun, and waves slid on a habit on coast, without a wind. But suddenly! That we have seen, having left the house, at wonderful rising!
On coast how to look from breakage, the small group of people and people at the sea, in boats. Boats moored directly on coast, ���������� unloaded and sailed away again. On coast there was so much a fish who beaten and have been thrown out in storm weather that take buckets, how many want. Have typed, how many wanted and have salted in several flanks. And then... What it is people carry from the sea on coast, unload and again leave? At boxes and the bags lifted ���������� from the sea, for kilometer from coast. There is a militiaman with a revolver. �� Do not approach �� ��� it shouted to curious boys and shook by a revolver. But the cargoes caught from the sea, have been scattered at a great distance and while the militiaman was on the opposite end of a protected line, it was possible, having jumped out �������� stones and bushes to learn, that was in bags and boxes. In boxes from plywood were ��� about a miracle! ��� the macaroni which has become limp in sea water, and in bags ��� a flour. But bags heavy to not lift, and a macaroni dough if is than. It is possible to take from the broken box. �� Do not approach! �� ��� the militiaman shouted. But while it was on other end, we, having taken


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He was afraid for us, because the wind was strong before that valil feet and could carry on the night of bad weather. Clearly, the three days we are hungry, do not go even for swans. «On the brink sorvetes - shouted the father. - And there - gulf! Who sink - does not come! » He said this is not a joke, although obtained a joke. Vniknuv in the heart of his words, the father of spinning services and smiled slightly. Morning of the fourth day was surprisingly quiet. The sun shined, a wave katilis of habit to shore without wind. But suddenly! What we saw out of the house, with beautiful sunrise! On the shore, as the glance of the truncation, a small group of people and people at sea in boats. Boats DOCK directly on the beach, something to download and off again. On the shore were so many fish, bruises and released into the storm weather that take buckets, how much you want. Dialed the number and wanted to salinity in several barrels. And then ... What are people vozyat from sea to shore, vygruzhayut and leave again? For boxes and bags, gdeto raised from the sea, per kilometer from the coast. is a policeman with naganom. «Stay away» - he shouted curious boys and shaken naganom. But Georgia caught from the sea, were scattered at a great distance and militiaman was still on the opposite end of the protected line could, jumped because of stones and shrubs, find out what was in bags and boxes. In plywood boxes were - about a miracle! - Raskisshie in seawater macaroni, and bags - flour. But heavy bags, not raise, a pasta dough, if you have it. You can take a split box. «Stay away!» - Shouted a policeman. But while he was at the other end, we took 17

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It feared for us, because wind was to that strong, that the valyl from the feet could take away on the night of foul weather. It is clear that three days we starved; not to go was even after the goose foot. From the break you will be torn away, shouted father. - A there - abyss! Who will sink - do not come!
He spoke this not into the joke, although the joke was obtained. [Vniknuv] in are its words, father turned whisker and slightly he smiled.
The morning of the fourth day was amazing to quiet. The sun shone, and waves rolled along the habit to the coast, without the wind. But suddenly! We saw what, after leaving the house, with the wonderful rise!
On the shore as to cast a look from the break, small group of people and people at sea, in the boats. Boats moored directly to the coast, [chtoto] they unloaded and pushed off again. It was on the shore as much the fish, beaten and rejected in the heavy weather, that take by buckets, as you want. They collected, how much they wanted and salted in several barrels. But then What this people do convey from the sea to the coast, they do unload and again do depart? In boxes and bags, raised [gdeto] from the sea, for the kilometer from the coast. militiaman with the Nagant revolver stands. Do not approach - it shouted to curious boys and it shook by Nagant revolver. But the loads, caught from the sea, were scattered at a great distance, and thus far militiaman was at the opposite end of the guarded line, it was, after jumping out Izza stones and bushes, to learn, which was in the bags and the boxes. In the boxes from the plywood they were - against the miracle! - the boggy in the sea water macaronis, and in the bags - flour. But bags are heavy, not to raise, but macaroni dough, if there is than. it is possible to take from the broken box. Do not approach! - shouted militiaman. But thus far he was at other end, we, after taking


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