Saturday, November 1, 2008

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And Yugoslavia. All Europe was exhausted from this war, and America was far to prevent actions of communists.
Events were developed and made, as �������������������������������� visions of apostle John. The third part of the globe and people living on it became subject to a mighty animal ��� to the antiChrist whom all breaks and eats, and on the rests tramples legs; the rests are people who have not died of communistic wars. But they are not happier than those who were lost, for, having got in slavery to ������������������������������, feel fear slow death in communistic prisons and concentration camps.
The quantity of prisons has extremely increased in the USSR, and concentration camps of death cannot and be considered.
During war to me has carried.
On a pray of my mother (the late already) the God has rescueed to me a life. In September, 1942, when I have received the summons about �������� with things in a military registration and enlistment office �������������� (Kirghiz ������), during a pray in-home, through ������������������ ��������������, to me there was a word Dominical: �� And ������������ human blood you will not see ��. Having felt the great force which has descended on me, as well as on present during a pray, I, strong on tears, could not be kept from fertile tears. Mother washing was pleased for me because my senior brother Boris was at that time at the front, and second my brother, Andrey, studying in the city of Leningrad, ���������� in �������������������������� hydrographic academy. Has got under blockade and there, from an institute bench, has been taken in army.
Mother washing trusted in the Divine promise: to store me during war, and its belief on true was justified. I have remembered a prophecy and observed, how conducted

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and Yugoslavia. All of Europe iznemogla of this war, and America was far to prevent the communists. Events turned and committed, as apocalyptic vision of the Apostle John. The third part of globe and the people living there are subject became powerful beast - the Antichrist, who all sokrushaet and eats, and remnants of flouting their feet, remnants of the same - these are people who have not died of communist wars. But they are not happier than those who have died since, hitting into slavery to zveryuantihristu, fear a slow death in communist prisons and concentration camps. The number of prisons in the Soviet Union has increased enormously, and the concentration camps and death can not find it. During the war I was lucky. On my mother's prayer (late already) God saved my life. In September 1942, when I received a summons from the agenda of things in the military registration and enlistment Tokmak (Kyrgyz ZHZHY), during prayers at home, through the prophetess Theodore P., to me, it was word of the Lord: «I splashing human blood did not see». Felt great force descended on me, as at present during prayers, I am hard to tears, could not resist the beneficial tears. His mother, my radovalas for me, because my older brother Boris was at that time on the front, while the second is my brother, Andrew, learning in the city of Leningrad, gdeto in Voennomorskoy Hydrographic Academy. came under siege and, with the institute's Bench Division, was taken into the army. My mother believed in God's promise: to keep me during the war and its belief in the truth realized. I remember the prophecy and watched as the lead 27

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and Yugoslavia. Entire Europe succumbed from this war, and America was far in order to avoid the actions of Communists.
The events unfolded and were completed as the apocalyptic visions of apostle Hans. The third part of the globe and living on it people they became subject to powerful beast - the antichrist, whom everything demolishes and eats, and it tramples remainders by feet; however, remainders - these are people, which did not die of the Communist wars. But they not are happier than those, who perished, since, after falling into the servitude to [zveryuantikhristu], the fear of slow death in the Communist prisons and the concentration camps is tested.
A quantity of prisons in the USSR incredibly grew, and the concentration camps of death it cannot be considered.
To me it transported during the war.
On the prayer for my mother (deceased already) the god saved to me life. In September 1942, when I obtained agenda about the presence with the things into the military registration and enlistment office g. Of [tokmaka] (Kirghiz [ZHZHY]), during the prayer at home, through the prophetess to Feodor p., to me there was the word [Gospodnee]: I of drops of the human blood you will not see. After perceiving great power, derailed to me as on those been present during the prayer, I, strong to the tears, could not be held from the beneficial tears. Mother my was glad for me, because my big brother Boris was at that time at the front, and the second brother my, Andrey, after learning in Leningrad city, [gdeto] in the naval hydrographic academy. it fell under the blockade and there, from the institute bench, it was undertaken into the army.
Mother my believed in the God promise: to store me during the war, and her faith on the truth justified. I memorized prophecy and observed, as he conducted

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