------------------------Original Text------------------
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
We ���������� ate the divided bread, though tried to eat only on ����������������, and then starved till new "crop". That is. Parents will not come yet from a factory.
On abrupt slopes of Black sea. ���������������������� coasts, grew ������������ and we, the children to get it. Peeled sides about dry clay and stones. ������������ was an additional diet to a dining table. Mother cooked from it a borshch in which was not ��������������. But the grass is a grass, how many do not eat it. Full you will not be. The father �������������� and mother too, looking at how we grow thin.
But once in the evening our father has come to the house with ���������������� eyes.
�� Take bags ��� it has ordered ��� here so many hedgehogs that it is a shame to us to hang up noses ��. It has explained to us. As them to catch. �� It is necessary to sit down for a bush and to not move, to not frighten off ��������������. Hedgehogs ��.���������������� leave to catch extraction. As soon as will leave on the open place. There and then quickly to it and to cover with a bag. Naked hands it to not take, and having covered with a bag, it is possible ��. ������������������ to us was hedgehogs, but soup from them was wonderful.
But, it is visible, to all there is time, and to hedgehogs the account. Hedgehogs did not become.
Storm on the sea
To Troy of day ���������������� the sea. The strong wind blew from the sea on a land and salty sparks from storm waves reached already up to our small house. In which we lived.
�� Do not leave on street, ��� ������������������ the father. ��� unless only with me or with mother, and that on need! ��
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
We shared bread together sedali, although there was only trying to tithe, and then starve to a new «crop». ie. has not yet come from the factory parents. On the steep slopes of the Black Sea. Kerch coast, grew orach and we detvora to get it. scrape sides of the dry clay, and stones. Lebeda was dobavochnym diet to the dining table. Mother varila from borscht, which was neither zhirinki. But grass is grass, but do not eat it. sytym not be. The father and mother grieve, too, looking at how we Hoodea. But one evening, our father came into the house with ozhivshimi eyes. «Take bags - skomandoval it - there are so many hedgehogs that embarrassed us hang Noses». He explain to us. as their prey. «We have to sit down for the bush and do not budge, so as not to frighten away animal. Jerzy v.sumerkah go to catch prey. Once released to a public place. then quickly to it and lay the bag. Barehanded it did not commit, and covered with a sack, can be ». Zhalkovato we were ezhikov, but the soup of them was wonderful. But you can see, everything is time and expense ezham. Hedgehogs did not. Storm at Sea Three days of storms the sea. Strong winds blow from the sea to dry land and salt spray from storm waves reaching as much to our house. in which we live. «Do not go out into the street - stricter father. - Is it just me or the mother, and then to fall! » 16
------------------------End google Translator------------------
------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
We at once ate the subdivided bread, although they tried to eat only on the crumb, and then they starved to the new harvest. i.e.. parents thus far will not arrive from the plant.
On the steep slopes of Black sea. Kerch coast, is tall goose foot and we, youngsters in order to reach it. sides against the dry clay and stones stripped. Goose foot was additional ration to the dinner table. Mother cooked from it borsch, in which there it was not [zhirinki]. But grass is grass, how much you do not eat it. you will not be satisfied. Father grieved and mother also, looking at that, as we grow thin.
But once in the evening our father arrived into the house with the revived eyes.
Take bags - it gave an order it - here so many hedgehogs, which is shameful to us to hang noses. It explained to us. as to catch them. It is necessary to squat for the bush and not to stir not in order not to frighten off little beast. Hedgehogs [v].[sumerkakh] leave to catch output. As soon as it will leave in the open place. it is here rapid to it and to cover with bag. By its naked hands not to take, but after covering with bag, possible. It was pitifully to us hedgehogs, but soup of them was wonderful.
But, apparently, to everything is time, and to hedgehogs calculation. Hedgehogs it did not become.
Storm at sea
Three days was stormy sea. The high winds of muzzles from the sea to the land and the salt drops from the gale waves they reached to our house. in which we lived.
You do not leave to the street, [strozhilsya] father. - Perhaps only with me or with the mother, and that on the need!
------------------------End babelfish Translator------------------
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