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And that has. Deprived kind reason are done by the animals eating all and even each other. The Soviet authority is those: it ��� a hell of our measurement and it is clear, if it will be carried out, Christians on all continents and islands will soon and are ruthlessly exterminated.
Therefore it is written at ���������� the Prophet: �� Prepare for sacrifice to its sons for lawlessness of their father that have not risen and have not taken hold ������������ and have not filled installed by enemies ��. (it is possible, that the space Universe where already space rockets are successfully started means also, and Soviet Union would like to be succeeding in this area) ���������� 14:21
And in John's Revelation as it is told about newly made Babylon (Russia): �� Render to it how it has rendered to you, and twice render to it on its affairs; in a bowl in which it prepared you for wine, prepare it twice ��, etc. ��������. 18:6 This command of the Lord to all Christian world on behalf of its leaders ��� Presidents and �������������������������������� to whom the God has entrusted destiny of all planet these our last days.
������������ HUMAN BLOOD
The second world war has come to the end successfully for an atheistic mode of the USSR. The territory of the huge house of slavery has extended due to the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and as due to the western Slavs: Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. Socialist satellites have become as in the east ��� China, and on ��������������������������
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that is. Without the same kind of reason are beasts, feeding on all and even each other. This is Soviet power: it - hell our measurements and clear, if realized, the Christians on all continents and islands will be soon and ruthlessly exterminated. Because it is written from the Prophet Isaiah: «Prepare slaughter his sons for the iniquity of their father, not to revolt and does not possess the land, and not filled universe nepriyatelyami». (Perhaps what was meant and space universe, which has already successfully launched space rockets, and the Soviet Union would be successful in this field) Isaiah 14:21 And in the Revelation of John just said about the newly Babylon (Russia): «Vozdayte her as she paid tribute to you, and double Vozdajte it for her in the cup, which you prepare the wine, prepare it in half», etc. . Open. 18:6 It is commanded Gentlemen to the entire Christian world through its leaders - President and Prime Minister, who vveril God fate of the planet to those of our recent days. Bryzgi human blood Not see The Second World War ended successfully for the atheistic Soviet regime. The area houses the huge expansion of slavery through the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as through the western Slavs: Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. Socialist satellites became just to the east - China, and the zapaderumyniya 26
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and that which has. Those deprived of good reason are done by the beasts, that eat up all and even each other. The Soviet regime is such: it - hell of our measurement is clear, if this is carried out, then Christians on all continents and islands will be it is soon and mercilessly destroyed.
Therefore it is written in [Isayi] of the prophet: Prepare immolation for its sons for the lawlessness of their father so that they would not rise and would not take possession of the earth and would not fill the universe by enemies. (Possible that it is intended and the space universe, where are successfully started already space rockets, and the Soviet Union he would want to be successful in this region) [Isayya] the 14:21
And in the revelation of Hans it is so said about newly-made Babylon (Russia): Render to it in the manner that it rendered to you, and twice render to it in its matters; in the cup-, in which it prepared to you wine, prepare by it doubly and so forth of that Opened. 18:6 this command gentlemen to the entire Christian world in face of its leaders - the Presidents and [premerministram], god trusted to whom the fate of entire planet in these our recent days.
The Second World War was completed successfully for the atheistic regime of the USSR. The territory of the enormous house of servitude was enlarged due to the Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and so due to the western Slavs: Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. By socialist satellites gears they made so in the east - China, and on [zapaderumyniya]
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