------------------------Original Text------------------
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������������ 11:14
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On them it is visible. As the satan confidently erects the throne in northern empire.
�� Rebellious from ���������� your people will rise to execute vision and will fall ��.
Daniel 11:14
Clearly, that it is a question of Jews because prophet Daniel was the Jew. The main world events of our time (and, is more true than times) also have begun with that all.
Charles Marx's "capital" became a banner of socialists and communists in atheistic variants. It is not washed and on 90 % illiterate Russia became ������������ a victim of expansion of a satan. Socialists and communists ��� ���������������� our time. In Jewish people in all knees, and �������������� ��������������, they were already in reign of tsar Solomona. It it has told about them: �� not ������������������������������ spoke in itself... �� ��������. ������. 2:11. All this chapter is a prophecy of tsar Solomona about ������������������ (socialists and communists) seized now Russia. Character of their ideas and actions ��� an exact portrait atheistic building in the USSR.
On an empire they send without noise and by means of flattery. About Lenin and its party in vague days of Russia of very few people knew. But the captive of fashionable illness has quickly understood a bewitching situation and more than �������������� was started up on promises of any freedom and the blessings. Russian and ���������������� with pleasure have believed to the idle talker, and even believers have pecked on its fishing tackle. �������������� all was expressed differently: When the trap has slammed, bolsheviks ��� �������������� have understood, that they owners, and Christians have understood, that they are severely deceived. Lenin without meditation has severely finished with all parties, participants of bloody revolution in Russia, having left only the .
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As you can see them. as surely erect a throne of Satan in the northern kingdom. «The rebel of the sons of your nation will rise to fulfill the vision and fall». Daniel 11:14 It is clear that we are talking about Jews, because the prophet Daniel was a Jew. Since then, and started all the major world events of our time (and / or time). «Capital» Karl Marx became the banner of the Socialists and Communists in atheistic options. Not umyta and 90% of illiterates Rus became the first victim of expansion of Satan. Socialists and the Communists - the Sadducees of our time. In the Jewish people throughout all the tribes, and naipache Judah, they were already in the reign of King Solomon. This is about them, he said: «not pravdumstvuyuschie talked themselves into a ...» Prit.Sol. 2:11. All of this chapter is prophecy King Solomon of the Sadducees (socialists and communists) ovladevshih now Russia. The nature of their thoughts and actions - an accurate portrait of atheistic regime in the Soviet Union. In the kingdom they came without noise and with the help of flattery. About Lenin and his party in the wild days of Russia, few people knew. But the prisoner fashionable disease quickly understand the situation and more charming than ktolibo let the promise of all freedoms and benefits. Russian and Ukrainians are happy to believe twaddle, and even believers klyunuli to his bait. Potomto reflected everything else: When the trap zahlopnulas, the Bolsheviks - lenintsy understand that they are the hosts and Christians to understand that they are severely disappointed. Lenin without reflection massacre, with all parties participating bloody coup in Russia, leaving only his. 21
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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
Evidently on them. as satan confidently erects its throne in the northern reign.
Rebellious from the sons of the people of your will rise in order to carry out vision they will fall.
Danil the 11:14
It is clear that the discussion deals with the Jews, because prophet Danil was Jew. From that began all main world events of our time (but, more accurate than times).
Carl's capital Marx became the banner of socialists and Communists in the atheistic versions. Is not washed and to 90% illiterate Russia it became the first victim of the expansion of satan. Socialists Communists - [saddukei] of our time. In the Jewish people in all elbows, and still more [Iudinom], they were already into tsar Solomon's reign. This about them he said: not [pravdumstvuyushchie] spoke they themselves in itself [Prit].[Sol]. 2:11. This entire head is tsar Solomon's prophecy about [saddukeyakh] (socialists Communists) of those mastered now Russia. Nature of their thoughts and actions - precise portrait of atheistic system in the USSR.
To the reign they arrived without noise and with the aid of the flattery. Almost no one knew on Lenin and his party during the vague days of Russia. But the prisoner of fashionable disease rapidly was dismantled at the bewitching situation and more than [ktolibo] he was released to the promises of any freedoms and goods. Russians Ukrainians with happiness believed [pustoslovu], and even believers pecked to its fishing rod. [Potomto] was expressed all otherwise: When trap was slammed shut, Bolsheviks - Leninists understood that they masters, and Christians understood that they are cruelly deceived. Lenin without the meditation severely was straightened with all parties, participants in the bloody revolution in Russia, after leaving only its.
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