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These are three categories of rural workers; the most hardworking; less happy; and unhappy it is absolute, more often idlers from among the last. The Soviet authority has organized groups of robbers of agricultural population of all country. What did they do? Under a pretext of that fists hide bread from young Soviet Russia, these groups armed by long peaks of the Don and Kuban cossacks, the court yard, three categories of the struck dumb peasants rushed absolutely into all.
In the house of grandfather Kalantaja which has given a mercy house shelter to family of my father, in the end of the twentieth years reigned already famine. Our village, ��������������, in territory of Kursk province (nowadays areas) differed special poverty. Very few people lived there hardly �������������������� poor men, on an environment of that place. Breads hardly sufficed from a crop till a crop, and to the beginning of an arable season of pure rye bread of very few people ate, and baked bread in a mix with a potato, with a potato peel and rough bran. When the robbery of bread at the population of village Kobylki has begun, grandfather Kalantaju had nothing to hide from new authority. I remember, that bread was eaten with us at that time at all with rye bran, and with ���������������� from an oats and barley. The potato fastened structure of such breads, in the form of small flat cakes and they climbed in a drink with greater work. I cried, because barley and �������������� the peel strongly pricked in a throat. Cried, but ate, as well as my two brothers because anything else in the house and was not. Mother and the father mine worked at cloth factory in the city of Glushkovo. Now ���������������� - the regional center of villages of that place and ours ��������������. Home parents ran time or two in a month, but with itself did not bring almost anything a food because and in Glushkov, as well as everywhere, there was a famine. ���������� ������������������������ has hidden
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are three categories of rural workers, the most hardworking, less happy and unhappy is, more often poke from the past. The Soviet authorities organized brigades robbers rural population throughout the country. What are they doing? Under the pretext that Fists hiding bread from the young Soviet Russia, these squads armed with long peaks Don and Kuban Cossacks, entering completely into all yards, three categories otoropevshih peasants. The house Kalantaya grandfather, who gave the gracious home of my father's family shelter, in the late twenties has prevailed hunger. The village of ours, bridge, inside the Kursk province (now the area) are particularly poverty. Few people lived there just off the poor natural conditions of the place. Bread is barely enough of the crop to harvest and the beginning of the season arable clean rye bread, few people ate, and pekli bread mixed with potato, potato with skin and serious cuts. When the looting began bread from the village population Kobylki, grandfather Kalantayu nothing to hide from the new government. I remember that we ate bread at a time, not even with rye bran, but ustyukami from oats and barley. Potatoes knit structure of bread in the form of small cakes and Leslie in the throat they are very difficult. I wept because barley and Oatmeal paring much of colonialism in the throat. Wept, but ate like two of my brother, because nothing else in the house and was not. The mother and my father worked at the cloth factory in the city Glushkovo. Now Glushkovo - the villages of the district center of the place and our same Kobylok. Home naezzhali parents once or twice a month, but with him not to bring little food, because in the Glushkove, as elsewhere, there was a famine. Babka Kalantaychiha hid 10
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these are is three categories of rural toilers; the most industrious; less happy; and unfortunate absolutely, it is more frequent than idlers from the number of latter. The Soviet regime organized the forces of the robbers of the rural population of the entire country. What they did make? Under the pretext of the fact that the kulaks hide bread from young Soviet Russia, these forces, armed by the long peaks of Donskoy and [Kubanskikh] cossacks, they were dug in absolutely into all courts, three categories of the been astonished peasants.
In the house of the grandfather [Kalantaya], who gave gracious domestic shelter to the family of my father, at the end the twentieth years reigned already hunger. Village our, fillies, in the territory of Kursk province (now region) differed in terms of special poverty. Almost no one lived there only more prosperous than paupers, on the natural conditions of that place. Grain crops hardly it was sufficient from the harvest to the harvest, and at the beginning the arable season of clean rye bread almost no one ate, and they baked bread in the mixture with the potatoes, with the potato rind and the rough bran. When the robbery of bread in the population of the village of filly began, grandfather [Kalantayu] something was hide from the new authority. I remember that bread we ate at that time even not with the rye bran, but with [ustyukami] from the oats and the barley. Potatoes fastened the structure of such grain crops, in the form small flat cakes climbed into the throat they with great difficulty. I cried, because barley and oat rind strongly split in the throat. It cried, but ate as two my brothers, because nothing other in the house and it was. Mother and father my worked at the cloth factory in [Glushkovo] city. Now [Glushkovo] - rayon center of the villages of that place and our fillies. Home parents collided once or two per month, but with themselves they brought almost nothing edible, because in Glushkov as everywhere, there was hunger. The mandrel Of [kalantaychikha] hid
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