------------------------Original Text------------------
�������� ������ ������ �� ������������������ ���������� ���������� ��������������� �������������� �� ������������������������ �������������������� ��������������, �� ���� �������������������� ���������������� ���������������������� �������������������������� �������� ��� ����������, ������������ ���� ������������, ���� �������� �������������� ������������ ������������ ������������. ����.1:1;
���� ������������, ������ ������������ �������������� ����������, ������ ���� �������� �������� ���������� �� ����������������������. I ������������. 1:24.
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���� ������������ ���� �������� �������� ������ �������� ���� ��������, ���������� ������������ ������ ������ �� ������������ ������ �� �������������� �� ������. �� �������� �������� ������ ���������� ���������� ���� �������������� �� ���������������� ����; �� �������� ������ ������������ ������ ������������ �������������� �� �������������� �� ������������ ...��. ��������. 13:6:7.
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
�� At its mind and insidiousness will be a success �� ��� is told in surprising revelation to Daniel, and we are amazed accuracy of a prediction of the surprising God ��� Words, Real from the beginning, that is the Lord our Jesus Christ. ����.1:1;
On true as apostle Paul has told, that It is force ���������� and knowledge. I Corinth. 1:24.
But further Lenin flattery having seized largest of world empires, Russia, has finished not only with cadets, ������������������������, anarchists, opportunists and ����������������������������������. But has managed to conclude the favourable world with Germany, has come out the winner from civil war in Russia and has crumpled and has sunk hordes great ��������������. Anybody from them could not resist against a new, monstrous mode. The prediction of our God, given revelation to apostle John has really come true, namely: �� the Animal which I saw, was similar to a leopard; legs at it, as at a bear, and a mouth at it, as a mouth at a lion; the dragon also has given it the force both the throne and great authority ��. ��������. 13:2
�� And ������������ it the lips for an abuse on the God to abuse Its name and Its dwelling and living in it. Also it has been allowed to it to wage war with sacred and to win them; also the authority above any knee and people and language is given to it... ��. ��������. 13:6:7.
Russia, northern power in which the old dream of a satan was carried out: to approve the bloody throne on edge of the north. ����������14:13
Completely having taken hold of Russian empire, the satan expands the expansion to the world. The second world war has helped it to cast into a whirlpool of the most severe slavery: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania, and as ideologically
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
«In his mind and cunning will be a success» - said in the amazing revelation to Daniel, and we anticipate porazhaemsya accuracy wonder of God - Words Suschego from the beginning, that is our Lord Jesus Christ. In.1: 1; For the truth, as the apostle Paul that he is the power of God and wisdom. I Corinth. 1:24. But further Lenin wheedle ovladev the largest world empires, Russia, executed not only with the cadet, Menshevik, anarchists, opportunists and sotsialdemokratami. But was able to conclude an advantageous peace with Germany, has won a civil war in Russia and smyal and sunk the great bands of Entente. None of them could not resist the new, monstrous regime. Indeed came true foresight of our God gave revelation apostle John, namely: «beast that I saw was like a leopard; feet from him, like a bear, but he has a mouth like a lion trap, and gave him the dragon and its effect his throne and great authority ». Open. 13:2 «And he opened his mouth to Hula in God, to blaspheme His name and his dwelling and living in it. And given it to him to wage war with the saints and defeating them, and given him power over all tribes and people and language ...». Open. 13:6:7. Russia, North Power, which fulfilled a long-standing dream of Satan: to approve his bloody throne on the edge of the north. Isayya14: 13 Fully win the Russian Empire, Satan is expanding its expansion in the world. The Second World War helped push him in the pool severe slavery: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania as well as ideological 22
------------------------End google Translator------------------
------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
With its mind and insidiousness will enjoy success - it is said in the surprising revelation to Danil, and we are surprised the accuracy of the foresight of surprising god - Word, [Sushchiy] from the beginning, i.e., gentlemen our [Iisusa] Christ. [In].1: 1;
On the truth, as apostle Pavel said that he is force of God and wisdom. I Corinth. 1: 24.
But further Lenin flattery after mastering with by largest of the world empires, Russia, it was straightened not only with the Cadets, the Mensheviks, the anarchists, the opportunists and the social democrats. But it knew how to conclude peace advantageous with Germany, it left by conqueror the Civil War in Russia and rumpled and heated the hordes of great entente. No one of them could keep balance against the new, monstrous regime. Truly happened the foresight of our god, who gave revelation to apostle Hans, namely: The beast, which I saw, was such to panther; foot in it as in bear, and mouth in it as mouth in lion; and gave to it dragon force its and throne its and great authority. Opened. the 13:2
I of [otverz] it mouths its for the disparagement to the god in order to censure his name and his dwelling and living in Ger. I was given to it news war with the saints and to conquer them; and is given to it authority above any elbow and people and language. Opened. the 13:6: 7.
Russia, the northern power, in which was carried out the old dream of satan: to affirm its bloody throne on the edge of the north. [Isayya]14: 13
Having completely taken possession of Russian empire, satan enlarges its expansion in the world. The Second World War helped it to plunge into the pool of the most severe servitude: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Rumania, and it is so ideological
------------------------End babelfish Translator------------------
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