Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 5

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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------


In all the periods of a life of church Hristovoj on the Earth, Christians reflected above the Word Divine on former events. About an event and about the future. Investigated ��������������, comparing events occuring in their stay. With prophecies Dominical about the future and always found similarity to time. So was and so is, in fact shifts of the enemy of souls human. How to ruin it is more than souls human. Have not changed. But they only are multiplied with approach of coming ����������������.
In this book are stated as reflections of the worker on Divine Goretogo Nikolay Petrovicha's field about ����m to time in which it lived.


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------------------------Begin google Translator----------------

PROLOGUE In all periods of life of the Church of Christ on earth, Christians have reflected on the word of God on past events. about what is happening and the future. Studied scripture, comparing the developments in their tenure as events. LORD with prophecies about the future and always found the similarities to his time. So it was so there, because uhischreniya enemy of human souls. how to kill more human souls. have not changed. but they have only multiplied with the approach of the coming of the Lord. The book outlines just thought truzhenika in the field of God burn Nikolai Petrovich on the tom-time, in which he lived. 5

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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------


In all life cycles of the church of Christ's on the Earth, the Christians reflected above in a word God about the previous events. on proceeding and about the future. Writings were investigated, comparing the events proceeding into their sojourn. with the prophecies [Gospodnimi] about the future and always found the similarity to their time. So it was and so there are, indeed the contrivances of the enemy of the souls of human. as to ruin more than the souls of human. they did not change. but they only are multiplied with the approximation of the advent Of [gospodnya].
In this book are presented so the reflections of toiler on the field Of [goretogo] Nikolai Petrovich's God against [to]m of time, in which it lived itself.


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