Saturday, November 1, 2008

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Court for 10, 15 or 25 years of term of the prison and camp conclusion for sympathies to the bourgeois countries and the sermon of the Gospel with the purpose of undermining of the Soviet authority and for education of children in anti-soviet spirit, or: for the activity directed against the Soviet authority. Courts of "three" were sudden, and, as a rule, �������������������������������� and are closed. Sentenced at once took away, without the right to the appeal for courts of "three" were not a subject to the appeal.
The some people. Preliminary having arrested with promises to release, if will help the Soviet authority, carried from the house to the house at late night that it knocked on doors and a familiar voice caused Christians close to it. And that it ������������������ carried out this role, the militiaman continually sticked with a barrel of a revolver to it into a back: �� Call! Instead of that ��� in the charge! �� And, become stupid for the fear, not the proof Christian, rescueing soul, appealed both knock and a voice: �� Masha, open! It I ��. Masha or who there another, on a voice learned and confidentially asked: �� And what, unless have released you? �� The militiaman sticked with a revolver into a back: �� Speak, have released ��. And the poor creature spoke.
As soon as the latch was removed from a door, the militia on predatory rushed into the house, and the one who has caused ��� flung away: �� Go, drop! In �� �������������� "it". Having become hollow in the house, the militia directed "order". Lifted from beds, children and adults pressed close to each other, as before execution because representatives of authority swung revolvers. To the owner of the house, having broken back hands, cried out: �� Well, has prayed, ������������! It is necessary to All of you in the charge, and puppies too ��. Children for horror clinged ������������������ that for withdrawn �������������� for mum and shrilly cried: �� do not withdraw ours ��������������!

Court for 10, 15 or 25 years of term of the prison and camp conclusion for sympathies to the bourgeois countries and the sermon of the Gospel with the purpose of undermining of the Soviet authority and for education of children in anti-soviet spirit, or: for the activity directed against the Soviet authority. Courts of "three" were sudden, and, as a rule, �������������������������������� and are closed. Sentenced at once took away, without the right to the appeal for courts of "three" were not a subject to the appeal.
The some people. Preliminary having arrested with promises to release, if will help the Soviet authority, carried from the house to the house at late night that it knocked on doors and a familiar voice caused Christians close to it. And that it ������������������ carried out this role, the militiaman continually sticked with a barrel of a revolver to it into a back: �� Call! Instead of that ��� in the charge! �� And, become stupid for the fear, not the proof Christian, rescueing soul, appealed both knock and a voice: �� Masha, open! It I ��. Masha or who there another, on a voice learned and confidentially asked: �� And what, unless have released you? �� The militiaman sticked with a revolver into a back: �� Speak, have released ��. And the poor creature spoke.
As soon as the latch was removed from a door, the militia on predatory rushed into the house, and the one who has caused ��� flung away: �� Go, drop! In �� �������������� "it". Having become hollow in the house, the militia directed "order". Lifted from beds, children and adults pressed close to each other, as before execution because representatives of authority swung revolvers. To the owner of the house, having broken back hands, cried out: �� Well, has prayed, ������������! It is necessary to All of you in the charge, and puppies too ��. Children for horror clinged ������������������ that for withdrawn �������������� for mum and shrilly cried: �� do not withdraw ours ��������������!

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Court 10, 15 or 25 years term of imprisonment and detention camp for sympathy for the bourgeois countries and preach the Gospel to undermine Soviet power and for the upbringing of children in the spirit of anti-Soviet, or the same: for activities against the Soviet power. Courts «troika» were sudden, and typically conspiratorial and closed. Sentenced immediately taken away, without the right to appeal because the courts «troika» not subject to appeal. Some. provisionally arrested with promises to release if the help of Soviet power, vozili from house to house the dead of night, that he stuchal in the doors and close friends call him the voice of Christians. And it is good to play that role, dulom Nagano police officer time and again poke him in the back: «Call! And it does not - in the flow! »And oshalevshy from fear, not stout Christian, saving souls, and called stukom and voice:« Masha, open! This, I ». Masha, or who is there another, to recognize the voice and confidentially asked: «What is it you released?» Policeman naganom poke in the back: «Speak, was released». And poor fellow said. Once the lock is removed from the door, police raided Robber on the house and the one who caused - otshvyrivali: «Go out, carrion! In «craters» it ». Hollow in the house, police navodila «order». The issues raised in beds, children and adults zhalis each other before shooting, because the authorities waved naganami. ������� ����, ������� ����� ����, �����������: «�� ���, ���������, ������! All you have to expense, and puppies too ». Children of horror cling ruchonkami over the uvodimogo dad, for my mother wept and squeal: «Do not walk away our daddy! 39 Court 10, 15 or 25 years term of imprisonment and detention camp for sympathy for the bourgeois countries and preach the Gospel to undermine Soviet power and for the upbringing of children in the spirit of anti-Soviet, or the same: for activities against the Soviet power. Courts «troika» were sudden, and typically conspiratorial and closed. Sentenced immediately taken away, without the right to appeal because the courts «troika» not subject to appeal. Some. provisionally arrested with promises to release if the help of Soviet power, vozili from house to house the dead of night, that he stuchal in the doors and close friends call him the voice of Christians. And it is good to play that role, dulom Nagano police officer time and again poke him in the back: «Call! And it does not - in the flow! »And oshalevshy from fear, not stout Christian, saving souls, and called stukom and voice:« Masha, open! This, I ». Masha, or who is there another, to recognize the voice and confidentially asked: «What is it you released?» Policeman naganom poke in the back: «Speak, was released». And poor fellow said. Once the lock is removed from the door, police raided Robber on the house and the one who caused - otshvyrivali: «Go out, carrion! In «craters» it ». Hollow in the house, police navodila «order». The issues raised in beds, children and adults zhalis each other before shooting, because the authorities waved naganami. The owner of the house, room back of hands, shouting: «Well, prayed, Contra! All you have to expense, and puppies too ». Children of horror cling ruchonkami over the uvodimogo dad, for my mother wept and squeal: «Do not walk away our daddy! 39

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by law court to 10, 15 either 25 years of the period of the prison and camp conclusion for the sympathies to the bourgeois countries and sermon of gospel for the purpose of the undermining of the Soviet regime and for training of children in the anti-Soviet spirit, or: for the activity, directed against the Soviet regime. Law courts troikas were sudden, and it is, as a rule, conspired and they were closed. They immediately took away those sentenced, without the right to the appeal, since the law courts troikas were not subject to appeal.
Some. preliminarily arresting with the promises to free, if it helps the Soviet regime, they conveyed from one house to the next by deep night so that it would knock in the door and Christians close to it were called by familiar voice. But so that it would more properly perform this role, by the muzzle of Nagant revolver militiaman continually poked to it into the back: Call! But not that - in the expenditure! And, the [oshalevshiy] from the fear, not steadfast Christian, saving soul, appealed and by knock and by the voice: Masha, open! This is I. Masha, or who there other, on the voice they learned and confidence asked: A that, perhaps they let go you? Militiaman poked by Nagant revolver into the back: Speak, they let go. And wretch spoke.
As soon as latch was removed from the door, the police for robber was dug in into the house, and that, who caused - they flung away: Go there, carrion! In the funnels of it. After becoming sunken into the house, the police directed order. Raised from the beds, children and adult pressed close to each other as before the shooting, because the representatives of authority swung by Nagant revolvers. To the owner of house, after beginning to break back hands, they screamed out: Well that, it prayed, dissent! All you it is must in the expenditure, and puppies also. Children from the horror were caught by [ruchonkami] first for [uvodimogo] [papochku], then and shrilly they cried for the mom: You do not take away our [papochku]!

by law court to 10, 15 either 25 years of the period of the prison and camp conclusion for the sympathies to the bourgeois countries and sermon of gospel for the purpose of the undermining of the Soviet regime and for training of children in the anti-Soviet spirit, or: for the activity, directed against the Soviet regime. Law courts troikas were sudden, and it is, as a rule, conspired and they were closed. They immediately took away those sentenced, without the right to the appeal, since the law courts troikas were not subject to appeal.
Some. preliminarily arresting with the promises to free, if it helps the Soviet regime, they conveyed from one house to the next by deep night so that it would knock in the door and Christians close to it were called by familiar voice. But so that it would more properly perform this role, by the muzzle of Nagant revolver militiaman continually poked to it into the back: Call! But not that - in the expenditure! And, the [oshalevshiy] from the fear, not steadfast Christian, saving soul, appealed and by knock and by the voice: Masha, open! This is I. Masha, or who there other, on the voice they learned and confidence asked: A that, perhaps they let go you? Militiaman poked by Nagant revolver into the back: Speak, they let go. And wretch spoke.
As soon as latch was removed from the door, the police for robber was dug in into the house, and that, who caused - they flung away: Go there, carrion! In the funnels of it. After becoming sunken into the house, the police directed order. Raised from the beds, children and adult pressed close to each other as before the shooting, because the representatives of authority swung by Nagant revolvers. To the owner of house, after beginning to break back hands, they screamed out: Well that, it prayed, dissent! All you it is must in the expenditure, and puppies also. Children from the horror were caught by [ruchonkami] first for [uvodimogo] [papochku], then and shrilly they cried for the mom: You do not take away our [papochku]!

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