------------------------Original Text------------------
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������������ 11:14 ���� ������������������ ���� ���������� ������ ��������������������, �� ���� ���������������� ������ �������������� ����������������; ���� ���� ������������ ������ �������� �� ������������ ���������������� ����������������, �� ������ ���������������������� �������������� ���������� ������������������ �� ������������������ ����, �������� �� ������ ���������� ������������. ������, ���������� �������� ������ ���� �������������� �� �������� �� ������, ���� ���������� ���������������������� �������������� �� �������������� �� �������������� �������� �� ���������� ����������������.
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
Orthodox people cried, looking on shapeless blocks from their temple, and devout moslems in the majority have left to Iran, being ������������������������������.
And such barbarity was done during that time on all country above temples and mosques. Monuments of culture and architecture, without regrets and meditations were destroyed. Now even communists supposedly all this, apparently, regret did Stalin instead of so it would be necessary to do all.
�� Not so? So construct all that have destroyed ��.
�� No. To restore the past we not begin ��.
Here and all �������� about the past and the present. Many temples, that have not destroyed, are transformed into warehouses and stables, or workshops.
In a view of PROPHECIES
�� In those days many will rise against southern tsar and rebellious from ���������� your people will rise, that vision was executed, and will fall ��.
Daniel 11:14 �� Also will rise on its place disdained, and will not render to it imperial honours; but it will come without noise and flattery will seize an empire, and all ���������������������� hordes will be sunk and broken by it, even the leader of a precept. For, after it will enter the union with it, it will operate with a deceit and will ascend and will win small people ��.
Struggle between the south and the north is execution of all prophecies ancient and ������������������������ times.
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Orthodox people wept, looking at the shapeless blocks of the church and faithful Muslims in the majority went to Iran, as iranoeoddannymi. Such barbarism was done at the same time across the country over the temples and mosques. Destroyed cultural monuments and architecture, without remorse and reflection. Now, it seems, regret and even communists, they say, all this did Stalin, and not all have to do. «Not so? So Build everything that destroyed ». «No. Restore the past, we will not ». That's the whole Tale of the past and present. Many churches, those that are not destroyed, turned into warehouses and stables, or workshops. A bit of history IN THE LIGHT PROROCHESTV «In those days, many rise up against the king and the southern rebel of the sons of your people will rise to fulfill the vision and fall». Daniel 11:14 «I rise to place his contempt, and not vozdadut him royal honors, but he comes without the noise and wheedle ovladeet kingdom, and all potoplyayuschie bands will be sunk and broken them, even himself leader of the covenant. For, once it enters into alliance with him, he will be tricked and vzoydet and prevail with a small people ». Dan.11 :21-23. The struggle between North and South is the performance of all the ancient prophecies and New Testament times. 20
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Orthodox people cried, looking at the formless chunks from their temple, and orthodox Moslems in the majority they left into Iran, being [iranoeoddannymi].
And such a barbarism was done at the same time in the entire country above the temples and the mosques. Were destroyed the monuments of culture and architecture, without the regrets and the meditations. Now it seems will regret even Communists, it is said, all this Stalin made, but not so all must be made.
Not thus? So [postroyte] all that they destroyed.
No. To restore the past we will not begin.
Here and entire tale about the past and present. Many temples, those that they did not destroy, were converted into the storages and the stables, or workshops.
In those times many will rise against the southern tsar and rebellious from the sons of your people will rise so that the vision would be carried out, and they will fall.
Danil 11:14 I will rise its on the spot despised, and will not be rendered to it tsarist honors; but it will arrive without noise and by flattery it [ovladeet] by reign, and all [potoplyayushchie] hordes will be heated and destroyed by it, even very leader of precept. Since, after it will enter the union with it, it will act by fraud and it will ascend and will gain the top with the small people.
[Dan].11: 21-23.
The fight between the south and the north exists by a performance of all prophecies of ancient and New-Testament times.
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