Saturday, November 1, 2008

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Stalin acted especially. Stages transported them from Ukraine and other places in not rendered habitable places not only Siberia, but also Caucasus and Central Asia.
And not all have survived at such ������������������������, many have died on roads, and many on places where them carried. The Siberian immigrants shook out from carts directly during a snow with small children, not having given neither products ', nor chances of existence. Survived pulled out in woods the holes named by dugouts, ������������ covered branches and ���������� woods and ate a bark of trees. Casually found (winter in fact) cedar ���������� were a delicacy.
And the Central Asian immigrants who in particular have got on the south of the Caspian Azerbaijan, did not have a water. It was great disaster and painful death of many, especially children, from thirst. Water brought seldom, ���������������� from mountain glaciers, on the carts which have been wrapped up by straw, �������������� an ice. Such day of delivery of an ice was a holiday at people. And here as dug ������������������������ and covered them ������������, living in misery from poisonous phalanxes, tarantulas and scorpions. But the belief overcame all; survived have told to us about happened.
The family of my father did not live in misery from violent collectivization as it was worker. The city of Kerch was industrial, and the father, having transported us there, has leased behind city the house at the Tatar, and was arranged with mother on a factory.
At a factory to workers gave out on 500 grams of bread which our parents to us, three children, brought and fifty-fifty divided. We did not know, than they eat. Our father was such thin, that it was possible to count at it all bones; mum too a little than differed from the father, moreover to the same was in position.

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Stalin has done especially. Phases of transporting them from Ukraine and other places in the not obzhitye place not only in Siberia, but the Caucasus and Central Asia. And not all survive under such transfer, many died on the roads, and many in the field, where they carried. Siberian displaced shake out with vozov directly in the snow with small kids, not allowing any food ', or the chances of survival. Surviving wrench in the woods holes, known as dugouts, koekak sheltered branches and your forests and spruce bark of trees. Incidentally, the same hits (winter after all), pine cones were a delicacy. And the Central Asian migrants, in particular, fell for the most southern Caspian in Azerbaijan, there was no water. It was a great disaster and the agonizing deaths of many, especially children, from thirst. Water brought rare otkudato of mountain glaciers at vozah, muffled straw, komkami ice. That day delivery of ice was a holiday in humans. There is also ryli noryzemlyanki and sheltered them Koech, bedstvuya of poisonous phalanges, tarantula and scorpions. But faith overcomes all; survivors povedali us what had happened. The family of my father, not elbows from the forced collectivization, as he was working. The city of Kerch was industrial, and the father moved us there, withdrew the lease for the town house from the Tatar, and started with her mother at the plant. The factory workers were given 500 grams of Bread, which our parents to us, three kids, and had equally shared. We do not know what they are eating. Father was a thin, that could be converted to him all the bones, my mom also is not much different from his father, but still was in the same situation. 15

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Stalin entered especially. By stages they transported them from the Ukraine and other places into not the settled places not only for Siberia, but also Caucasus and Central Asia.
And not all they survived with this [etapirovanii], many died on the roads, but many at the places, where they conveyed them. They shook out Siberian migrants from the carts directly into the snow with the small children, having given not [produktov]' , not chances to existence. Those survived pulled out in the scaffolding of [nory], called mud huts, [koekak] concealed by branches and by your scaffolding and they ate the crust of trees. However, randomly obtained (winter indeed) cedar lumps were delicacy.
But the Central-Asian migrants, who in particular fell on the very south of Caspian Azerbaijan, did not have water. This was great calamity and agonizing death of many, especially children, from the thirst. Water they brought rarely, [otkudato] from the mountain glaciers, on the carts, wrapped by straw, by the lumps of ice. This day of the delivery of ice was holiday in people. And here so dug [noryzemlyanki] and concealed their [koechem], living in poverty from the poisonous phalanges, tarantulas and scorpions. But faith overcame all; those survived told to us about that happening.
The family of my father did not live in poverty from the forced collectivization, since it was worker. Kerch' city was industrial, and father, after transporting us there, removed into the lease after the city house in Tatar, and it was arranged with the mother to the plant.
At the plant they issued to workers on 500 grams of wheat, which our parents to us, to three children, brought and equally shared. We did not know how they themselves feed. Father our was such thin, that it was possible to recount in it all bones; mom also differed little from the father, on top of that to the same it was in the position.

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