Saturday, November 1, 2008

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To captivate Yugoslavia, Romania and China; recently has swallowed Cuba, Angola, Ethiopia and Nicaragua.
But the God does a miracle through national interests. We see, that the more hugely empire of communists, the more poorly it so however, was and with all empires. They weakened, and then disappeared from unreasonable greed of purchase of all world; so was and with the Babylon empire Navuhodonosora, the Greek and Roman empires.
But Russia differs from all of them that its newly made tsars (only without imperial titles) have taken atheism as the most devilish ideology on arms. To dump the God of the Creator from Heavens and to take hold of Its empire ��� immemorial dream of a satan though it is mad and impracticable. The god, storing Church from a harm, ���������������� in Russia to be to it I build. And ���������������� that also all other, living on a planet, have learned fear ����������. The third part of territory of the world and the third part of the population of the ground have already got under a devilish yoke ���������������������������� from people, communists. However, and it is predicted by Sacred Spirit, that is there was no nothing �������������������������� the Creator.

Very few people knows, that the name of great Russian capital occurs from a word Moscow that meant on a dialect of Scythians a bear. From here and the name at it Moscow.
�� And legs at it, as at a bear ��. In paws of a bear force what tigers, the African lions do not possess ����������������������. This term was used by the God for a designation of force of a great and terrible animal. Its speed and mobility as at a leopard, and a mouth as at a lion.


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glamor of Yugoslavia, Romania and China, recently swallowed Cuba, Angola, Ethiopia and Nicaragua. But God makes miracles, through the national interest. We see that the vast Communist empire, the weaker it, so indeed it was, and all empires. They slabeli and then disappeared from unsustainable greed acquisition of the entire world, so it was with an empire of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Greek and Roman empires. But Russia is different from all of them so that her chicken kings (only without the king's titles) have adopted secularism as the most satanic ideology. Reset God, the Creator of Heaven and take possession of his kingdom - eternal dream of Satan, while madly and not feasible. God, keeping the church from evil, beat Russia to be in this order. A fool to all other living on the planet, learned to fear God. The third part of the world and the third of the population has already come under satanic yoke of bloodthirsty people communists. However, as well as predicted by the Holy Spirit, that is not the case does not foreseen, the Creator. Few people are aware that the name of the great Russian capital of Moscow comes from the words that mean for the dialect of the Scythians bear. Hence the name of her Moscow. «And his feet like a bear». In the bear paws force, which have neither Ussuriisk tigers, African lions either. That is the term used to describe God is great and terrible forces of the beast. His speed and agility of a leopard, a mouth like a lion. 23

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to captivate Yugoslavia, Rumania and China; it recently swallowed Cuba, Angola, Ethiopia and Nicaragua.
But god makes the miracle through the national interests. We see that the more enormous the empire of Communists, the weaker it, so however, it was also with all empires. They weakened, and then they disappeared from exorbitant greediness of the acquisition of the entire world; so it was also with the babylonian empire Of [navukhodonosora], the Greek and Roman empires.
But Russia differs from all in terms of their fact that its newly-made tsars (only without the tsarist titles) looked at for the armament the atheism as the most satanic ideology. To drop the god of creator from the skies and to take possession of his reign - age long dream of satan, although it is reckless and not realized. God, storing church from the evil, [popustil] in Russia to be to this system. But [popustil] so that all other, which live on the planet, would learn to fear To [bozhiyu]. The third part of the territory of peace and the third part of the population of the earth already burn under the satanic yoke [krovozhadneyshikh] from the people, the Communists. However, so it is predicted by holy spirit, i.e., it did not occur nothing forseen by creator.

Few people know, that the name of the great Russian capital originates from word Moscow, which meant on the dialect of Scythians bear. Hence and designation in it Moscow.
I of foot in it as in bear. In the paws of bear the force, such as possess neither Ussuri tigers nor African lions. Specifically, god for the designation of the force of great and terrible beast used this term. His rapidity and mobility as in panther, and mouth as in lion.


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