Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 18

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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

Cups and kettles, ran up and took. Then we have got used to the militiaman; it even turned away, when we scooped. A pier, the nobility you I do not know.
So, thank God, we were for a long time reserved by the macaroni test. But what happens? There is no trouble without advantage. Went, as it became known, the big boat with the barge onboard which there was a flour and boxes with macaroni. Went ���������������� from Taganrog a rate to Turkey. But, having got during a storm, has got off from a waterway and has sunk at our coast together with the barge. Has sunk superficially so divers have pulled out all, that also to us starving, there was a food.

The starving Russia sold to Turkey bread, as from the big surplus.
�� Artificial famine �� ��� people were whispered, having bent persons. �� Collectivization, spoke ������.������������� as you will tire out in collective farms ��. And so was on all country.
Stalin as a real demon, published the decree behind the decree that their severity to subordinate a kick horse of Russia orthodox. Also has subordinated, having covered great a field of battle in millions great martyrs.


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cups and pot, and took podbegali. Then we are accustomed to the policeman, he even turn away when we drew. Mol, to know you do not know. So, thank God, we have a long zapaslis pasta test. But what happened? There is no trouble for nothing. It was, as it became known, a large boat with a barge on board which was flour and boxes of Macaroni. Shell otkudato of Taganrog heading to Turkey. But, hitting a storm, lost its fairway and sank to our shores, along with a barge. Sinking of the same shallow, so divers are taken out, that we, the hungry, the food was. Hungry Russia sold to Turkey, bread, as from a large surplus. «Artificial hunger» - people whisper, dull person. «Collectivization, they said .- Imache as pens in the collective». And so it was all over the country. Stalin, as a true demon, issued a decree for the decree to severity of their subordinate buck horse Orthodox Russia. And subordinate splashed with a great field of battle by millions Great. 18

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cups and pots, ran up and they took. Then we became accustomed to the militiaman; it even turned away, when we drew. It is said, to know you I do not know.
Thus, glory to god, we were for a long time stored up by macaroni test. However, but which did happen? Misfortunes without the benefit does not occur. Went, as it became known, large launch with the barge, on board which there was the flour and boxes with the macaronis. It went [otkudato] from Taganrog by course on Turkey. But, after falling into the storm, it was brought down from the fairway and sank on our shore together with the barge. However, it sank divers all shallowly, so that took out so that and to us, that starves, there would be food.

Starving Russia sold into Turkey bread as from the large surplus.
Artificial hunger - were whispered people, after lowering the persons. Collectivization, they spoke. - [Imache] as you will drive in into the kolkhozes. And so it was in the entire country.
Stalin, as true demon, published edict after the edict in order by the strictness of them to subordinate the kicked horse of Russia to orthodox. And it subordinated, after covering great field of conflict by millions of martyrs.


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