Saturday, November 1, 2008

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And elites and �������������������� those who without the right to the blessings takes hold of the blessings, taking away them at lawful owners and who without the right to authority severely reigned above us, having usurped authority bloody revolution. In day of last Court Divine will be found out where greater cunnings and insidiousness by which they were guided. For now we are content history and signs with what the God ������������, that not ���������� has marked another, and they were responsible for the choice before the God. About, yes! Their destiny ��� only ���������������������� the God, instead of predetermination from which there is no output. The output in a life is for everything, but �������� harms do not wish to renounce benefits what give them cunning and insidiousness. That it of tear offended and innocent blood what they have spilled. The main thing ��� to be above and not important, as well as than it is given. In �������������������� envy is not present fair competitions. And �������������������� under itself any rithteous person who ���������������������� deduces it to glory. On this stage the Soviet authority also was carried out. As top of madness that can marvel only. It was carried out on a deceit, and on it, as the terrible horseman on a pale horse. To which name the death, continues to be born in an eternal gloom of uncertainty, with mad troops, a hell. It is a great lesson for all citizens of our planet that people did not sleep, as Russians, on shoulders at which ������������ a satan on behalf of ��������������������������������������������. And moreover, what I wish to tell? The world waits for a tracing �������������� as it is told in John's Revelation, and it already occurs since 1917. The accessory to Communist Party, direct and indirect, on belief and from ������������������ time also is a tracing ��������������, known for all unwise this world. For beliefs in the God cannot be explained analyses of physics or chemistry. The one who has it, to that will increase, and who has no, from that will be taken away

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and elected and posramlyaet those without the right to seize the benefits of the benefits, subtract from their rightful owners, and those without the right to power brutally reigned over us, usurped power bloody coup. In the last day of the Court of God reveals much more cunning and guile that guided them. In the meantime, we are satisfied that the history and signs, what pometil God Cain, not to ktoto other, but they themselves were responsible for their choice before God. Oh, yes! Their fate - only preduznanie God, and not prejudging, from which no exit. Out of life is, for all but the sons of evil do not want to receive benefits, which give them cunning and guile. With his tears obizhennyh and innocent blood that they shed. Index - be on top and it does not matter how and what it provides. In cunning envy is not fair competition. and podminanie by himself all the righteous, which displays his righteousness to fame. At those board and implemented Soviet power. as the top madness, which can only wonder. She realized at deception, and it is as terrible rider on the pale horse. whose name was death, continues to burn in the eternal darkness of obscurity, with his crazy might, hell. This is a great lesson for all citizens of our planet that people are not sleeping, as the Russians on their shoulders who sat down in the face of Satan himself bezbozhnikovkommunistov. And furthermore, what I mean? The world is waiting chart Zvereva, as described in Revelation of John, but it is already happening since 1917. Belonging to the Communist Party of direct and indirect, on conviction, and vyvodykak times and is tracing Zvereva, known to all nemudrym world. For faith in God can not be explained by analysis of physics or chemistry. Anyone who has it, added to, and who is not, at that taken away 25

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and selected it disgraces those, who without the right for the goods take possession of goods, taking away them in legal owners, and who without the right to the authority severely reigned above us, usurping authority by bloody revolution. During the day of the last law court of God will be explained where large craftinesses and insidiousnesses, by which they, were guided. But thus far we are satisfied by history and signs, such as the god of Cains marked, in order to not [ktoto] of another, but they themselves were responsible for selection their to god. [O], yes! Their fate - only [preduznanie] of god, but not the predestination, from which there is no output. Output in the life exists for all, but the sons of evil do not want to enter by the benefits, such as give craftinesses and insidiousnesses to them. That by them the tear of those offended and the innocent blood, such as they spilled. The main thing - to be above and not importantly as how this is given. In insidiousnesses of envy there are no honest competitions. and [podminanie] under itself of any righteous man, whom its [pravednost] derives to the glory. On these stages was achieved the Soviet regime. as the top of folly, to what it is possible to only marvel. It was carried out on the fraud, and on it as terrible rider on the pale horse. to which the name death, continues to rush into the eternal gloom of uncertainty, with reckless army by its, hell. This is great lesson for all citizens of our planet so that the people would not sleep how the Russians, on the arms in whom sat satan itself in the person of [bezbozhnikovkommunistov]. And moreover, that I do want to say? Peace waits tracing Zverev, as it is said in the revelation of Hans, and it already occurs since 1917. Membership in communist party, direct and indirect, on the persuasion and from [vyvodykak] of times is the tracing Zverev, known all simple of the peace this. Since it is not possible to explain the faith in the god by the analyses of physics or chemistry. It the one who has it, to that it will be added, but who does not have, he will be taken away in that

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