Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 35

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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

In a the Edging, in 20-���� kilometers from Frunze, there lived family Chernenko. The father of family, Cyril was without the right leg on the knee. It has lost a leg on war and when has left hospital has met Anna, �������������������������������������������������� to which has offered the hand.
Anna has not suddenly agreed on the offer, but, having received in a dream ���������������������� from the God, has regretted the cripple and became it ����������.
In that time when I have met this couple, at them was already three children, to the senior girl was four years. Not looking at the lost leg, Cyril �� had sound health and a nature. Anna often cried from it because its husband supposed to itself liberties, all chuckled, prayed to the God only on a habit, and that for the sake of spouses which the prays reached that the Lord, hearing it, kept it from mad extreme measures.
Clearly, that Cyril also did not think to pray for Sacred Spirit.
��� What for to me, ��� it spoke, - I and so I have Sacred Spirit. Here, baptists, do not ask, and speak, that Spirit have.
- So what spirit they have? - spoke it. ��� spirit of disbelief, time do not believe to everything, that is written.
- And I not �� ������; speak, that have. That's all.
- Brother Kirjusha, - compassionate Christians addressed to it. ��� so in fact it is written: �� Asking receive ��, instead of asking who will submit?
All is true, - it spoke, - means, my time has not come.
Anna was kind ��������������������, and the special good fortune of Spirit ���������������� was on it. All spoke: �� Anna was presented with the God with gift of a prophecy in adolescence,

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------------------------Begin google Translator----------------

In the city Kante, in 20 kilometers from Frunze, the family lived Chernenko. The father of the family, Cyril E. has been without a right foot to the knee thing. Nogu he lost in the war, and when discharged from hospital, then met with Anna K., hristiankoypyatidesyatnitsey, which offered his hand. Anna does not suddenly agreed to the proposal, but getting in a dream vrazumlenie from God spared maimed and became his wife. At that time, when I met this chetu, they were already three children, the eldest girl was four years. Despite the lost leg, from Cyril E was in good health and character. Anna often cried from him, because her husband accepted a bold, all chuckle, prayed to God only out of habit, and then for the wife that his prayers reached that the Lord, hear it, kept him from the foolish extremes. It is clear that Kirill and did not think to pray for the Holy Spirit. - Why me - he said - I already have the Holy Spirit. That is, Baptists, not molyat, but said that Spirit had. - So it Well, what spirit they have? - He said. - Spirit of disbelief, just do not believe everything that is written. - I do not h nayu, said that there were. that's all. - The brother of Kiryusha - appealed to him serdobolnye Christians. - So it is written: «asks receives», rather than prosyaschemu who f files? That's right - he said - hence, it is not my time. Anna was a good Christian, and the special grace of the Spirit of Christ was on it. All told: «Anna God bestowed a gift of prophecy still in adolescence 35

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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------

In g. Kant, in 20- TI kilometers from Frunze, the vein is the family of Chernenko. Father of family, Cyril e. were without the right foot on the elbow itself. He lost foot in war, and when he was discharged from hospital, then it met with Anna k., [khristiankoypyatidesyatnitsey], to whom it proposed his hand.
Anna suddenly did not agree to the proposal, but, after obtaining in the sleep [vrazumlenie] from the god, she was sorry cripple and she became his wife.
At that time, when I met this couple, they have already three children, to elder girl there were four years. In spite of lost foot, in Cyril E was strong health and nature. Anna frequently cried from it, because its husband allowed to himself liberties, everything chuckled itself, it prayed to god only on the habit, even then for husbands, which by its prayers reached that the Lord, hearing it, retained it from the reckless extremes.
It is clear that Cyril did not think to pray about the holy spirit.
- Why to me, he said, I so have holy spirit. Here, Baptists, they do not pray, but they indicate that spirit they have.
- So the zh, what spirit they do have? - they told it. - The spirit of disbelief, times they do not believe to everything, which is written.
- A I not z to [nayu]; they indicate that they have. here and all.
- Brother [Kiryush], turned themselves to it tender-hearted Christians. - So indeed it is written: Requesting do obtain, but to that not requesting who zh will give?
Everything is correct, he said, means, not alien my time.
Anna was good christian, and the special paradise of the spirit of Christ's was on it. Everyone spoke: Anna gave presents god by the gift of prophecy even in the adolescence,

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