------------------------Original Text------------------
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
Mum, mummy! What for they take away from us ��������������! ��. The flown into a rage authorities, tearing off children from the native father, shouted mothers: �� Pacify the puppies, not that ��������������������! �� Young mum shivering hands accepted children torn off from the father and, calming them, spoke the one who, by the form, was the main thing: �� That you do! Who will feed kids? It one in fact the supporter "." Break off! Has produced, and you will feed. Let your God now will help you! ��. guffawing, withdrew, pushing in a back of the arrested person ����������������.
Arrested persons judged and took away, nobody knew, how is far, because messages, as a rule, from anybody did not come. There was, somebody, from ������������������, stayed terms for a criminal life and for thefts, having come back from far, marshy and taiga Kolyma, spoke that to one, another ��������������������, seeing its unfortunate position ����������: �� And I saw your Michael. It is alive. But you know (Masha), you it will not wait. There people die as the fly, of a scurvy, from undereating. Who has weakened, norm cannot develop, and without norm ��� do not give soldering of bread. A trouble there to our brother. Besides believer at whom the end of term, give other term. Here that do. More shortly, - it added, - write to Moscow, differently happens ��. Masha has bitterly begun to cry. But also was delighted, that its husband, Michael, it is still alive.
Wrote then to Moscow, the answer was not long. And the answer has then come, that its husband, Michael, has died in the conclusion. Again the most inconsolable tears and mourning clothes to the death.
And such Christian widows of thousand, tens thousand and millions.
While there lived Stalin, to its death, arrests and courts above believers did not stop. But most
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
Mom, mammy! Why do they take away from us Daddy! ». Ozverevshie power, removing children from their mother's father, mother shouted: «pacified as their puppies, not the pristuknem!» Young quaky mom has been removed from the hands of a father and child, uspokaivaya them, says the man who, in appearance, was essentially: «With you are doing! Who will feed the kids? It is a fact provider ». «Shut up! Naplodila or feed. Let your God now can help you! ». I. gogocha, removed, pushing back the arrested «counter». Arrested tried and taken away, nobody knew how far, because the news are usually neither of whom did not occur. There, someone from bytovikov, otsidevshih dates for blatnye life and for theft, returning from a distant, marshland and taiga Kolyma, said one or the other Christian, seeing the unhappy situation of its detok: «And I saw you Michael. He is alive. But you know (Masha), you do not dozhdeshsya. There, people are dying like flies, then from scurvy, the malnourished. Who is weakened, the rules can not work out, but without rules - do not give rations of bread. The trouble is our brother. In addition, the faithful who have an end date, given another term. Here's what they're doing. In short, - he adds - write to Moscow, you never can tell ». Mary wept bitterly. but also glad that her husband, Michael, is still alive. Wrote then to Moscow, the answer was not long. And then came the answer, that her husband, Michael, died in custody. Again the most inconsolable tears and sackcloth before his death. And these Christian widows, thousands, tens of thousands and millions. As long as Stalin lived until his death, arrests and trials of believers never stopped. But the most 40
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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
Mom, mummy! Why they take away from us [papochku]!. The become brutalized authorities, tearing off children from the native father, shouted to the mother: However, pacify your puppies, not that let us tap! Young mom the being shaken hands assumed the children torn from the father and, calming them, it told that, who, according to the form, was the main thing: However, that you make! But who will feed little-ones? He is one indeed breadwinner. Become silent! It procreated, so you will feed. Let your god now you help!. I. cackling, they took away, pushing into the back of prisoner dissent.
They judged and took away prisoners, no one knew as far, because news, as a rule, not from whom it came. It occurred, someone, from the folklorists, who finished distilling periods for the [blatnuyu] life and for the thefts, after returning from distant, swampy and taiga [Kolymy], they spoke first of one, then to another christian, seeing the unhappy position of her [detok]: A I saw your of Mikhail. He is living. But you know (Masha), you will not wait for it. There people die as flies, first from scurvy, then from the malnutrition. Who is feeble, standards cannot manufacture, and without the standard - do not give the rations of bread. Misfortune to there our brother. Furthermore, that believe, in whom the end of the period, they give another period. This is what they make. It is shorter, it added, write in Moscow, any it occurs. Masha sourly began to cry. but also it was gladdened, that its husband, Mikhail, are still living.
She wrote then into Moscow, there was no answer for long. But answer then arrived, that its husband, Mikhail, died in the conclusion. Again most disconsolate tears and mourning clothing to death itself.
And such Christian widows of thousand, tens of thousands and million.
Thus far lived Stalin, to its death itself, arrests and law courts above the believers did not cease. But very
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