Saturday, November 1, 2008

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Prophecies ancient and ������������������������ authors ������������������������ �������������� have come true. On true, the Spirit Sacred, inspired them to see ������������������������������ dreams and visions which secrets concerned to last time. �������������������� these that in an antiquity have killed many authors of their prophetical books, but have not changed a course of those historically events which were �������������������� the Lord of all dominating and Tsar of all tsars.
Spiritualistic sessions of great chess struggle, for the right of possession ������������ and the sky occured �������������� from Angels and people, but not �������������� from afraid Misters. Afraid the God everything was known almost, except for days and hours of the main events. The God who is always pulled out a victory at anticipated pleasure to be already by the winner knows about them only. From such unexpectedness at ���������� Light there is �������������������������� triumph, and at ���������� human an exclamation as at ��������, that on the ground and in the sky only the Lord is the God, and there is no God of other. And we too revere and we admire, knowing, that the source of all signs and miracles in the world Heavenly and Terrestrial is our Lord Jesus whom alive embodiment of the Word of the God of the Father is, sent with the Sky. In it ��� the new life which has become by prophetical light for ruined ���������� of Eve to which it is necessary freedom in the Christ and


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PREFACE Ancient prophecy fulfilled and New Testament authors inspired scriptures. For the truth, Sam, the Holy Spirit, inspired them to see Bogoduhnovennye dreams and visions, secrets which were last time. Negationist these themes in ancient times had killed many of the authors of their prophetic book, but did not change the course of historical events that have been preduznany Lord of lords and king of all kings. Seance great chess struggle for the right to possession of the land and sky were hidden from angels and humans, but not on covertly boyaschihsya Lord. Those who fear God knew almost everything except the days and hours of major events. They know only God, always look forward to wrest victory from the joy already be a winner. From such a surprise among the sons of Light takes place nepreoborimoe jubilation, and the sons of men ejaculation, as with Elijah, that the earth and in heaven, only God is God and there is a God. And we also blagogoveem and admire, knowing that the source of all signs and wonders in the world of celestial and earthly is our Lord Jesus, who is a living embodiment of the Word of God the Father sent from heaven. It - the new life that has become prophetic light undone for the sons of Eve, which accounts for their freedom in Christ and 6

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The prophecies of the ancient and New-Testament authors of inspired writings happened. On the truth, very spirit of saint, inspired them to see The [bogodukhnovennye] sleeps and the visions, whose secrets related to the last time. [Otritsateli] of these themes in the antiquity killed many authors of their prophetic books, but they did not change the motion of those historical events, which were [preduznany] the Lord of all of those ruling and the tsar of all tsars.
The spiritistic sessions of great chess fight, for the right of possession to [zemleyu] and by sky proceeded secretly from the angels and the people, but not secretly from those being being afraid gentlemen. That afraid of god was known almost all, except days and hours of main events. About them knows only the god, who always pulled out victory in that looked forward happiness to be already conqueror. From this unexpected contingency in the sons of light occurs insuperable rejoicing, and in the sons of human exclamation as with [Ilii], that on the earth and before the sky only the Lord is god, and there is no god of other. And we also revere and are enraptured, knowing that by the source of all signs and miracles in the world celestial and terrestrial there is our Lord [Iisus], whom is living embodiment of the word of the god of father, sent from the sky. In it - the new life, which became prophetic light for the ruined sons of Evas, whom it is freedom its in Christ and


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