Saturday, November 1, 2008

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That in a of Nakhichevan tomb ����������. I with greater
Interest examined ruins of that place ��� about which under the legend and versions of local residents ������ have been buried here. From Nakhichevan the magnificent and majestic panorama of mountains �������������������� where was �������� an ark was visible. Speak, that it is found ���������� in glaciers of Ararat and that engineers consider ways to lower it downwards and to make a museum for visitors.
In 2 months of training and training by the lorry I became the driver.
Two or three times, in structure of a company column of motor vehicles (American ����������������������������), I crossed mountain Caucasus, through ���������������������� and passes Krestovyj up to a ������������������������, not having made uniform failure. For successful ������������������ the best drivers selected to Iran, for the same purpose...
In number of the few I get also. Have defined us in 6-th autoshelfs which was based in the Iranian city of Tabriz. A mouth for ����������, through capital of Iran Teheran, us, �������������������������� 6-th automobile a shelf, threw on motor vehicles up to Teheran and by rail from Teheran up to the Iranian seaport Basra.
There we received the American lorries " �������������������� ", ������������������, ��������������, brisk automobile ������������������ and English "Dodges", with cargoes of food stuffs onboard.
Some times there was I in such flights, and intimately thanked the God that It the marvellous craft has given a place to me in far rear, preserving me from awful bloody massacre.


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that the city of Nakhichevan tomb of Noah's. I have great interest examined the ruins of the place "on which to make and release of local residents Noah was buried here. Since Nakhichevan has seen great and majestic panorama of mountains of Ararat, where Noah's ark was. They say that he found in glaciers gdeto Ararat, and that engineers obdumyvayut ways to lower it down and make a museum for visitors. After 2 months of training and internship at the trucks, I was a chauffeur. Two or three times, in the company convoy of cars (American «Studebekerov»), I crossed the mountainous Caucasus, through Semenovsky Cross and passes to the town of Ordzhonikidze, without making a single accident. For the fortunate shoferstvo top drivers chose to Iran, for the same purpose ... Among the few popadayu and myself. We identified in the 6 th avtopolk, which is based in the Iranian city of Tabriz. Rota for the company, through Iran's capital Tehran, we shoferovsoldat 6 th car Regiment, moved to Tehran by car and by train from Tehran to the Iranian port city of Basra. There we were American trucks «Studebeker», «Chevrolet», «Ford», yurkie cars «Willis» and British «Dodge», with goods and foodstuffs on board. Several times I have visited in return, and heartily thanked God for what He has given his marvelous fishing place me in the distant rear, preserving me from the terrible carnage. 29

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that in Nakhichevan' the grave Of [noeva]. I with the large
by interest inspected the ruins of that place of about which on the legend and the versions of local residents noy was buried precisely here. From Nakhichevan' was visible the splendid and majestic panorama of the mountains of [araratskikh], where there was noys ark. They indicate that it is found [gdeto] in the glaciers of ararat and that the engineers consider the methods to go down it to downward and make a museum for the visitors.
In 2 months of instruction and practice period in the cargo machine I became chauffeur.
Two or three times, in the composition of the company column of motor vehicles (American [Studebekerov]), I crossed the mountain Caucasus, through Semyonovskiy and [Krestovyy] crossings to Ordzhonikidze, having made not a united emergency. For the lucky driving of the best drivers they selected into Iran, for the same purpose
I fall in the number of a little and i. were determined us into the 6th auto-regiment, which was based in the Iranian city tabriz. Company after the company, through the capital of Iran Teheran, us, [shoferovsoldat] of the 6th automobile regiment, they threw to motor vehicles to Teheran and by railroad from Teheran to the Iranian port city Basra.
We there obtained American cargo machines [Studebeker], To [shevrole], [Fordy], brisk passenger jeeps and the English dodge, with the loads of food products aboard.
Several times there is I in such voyages, and he warmly thanked god for the fact that it by its marvellous trade gave the place for me in the distant rear, protecting me from the terrible bloody slaughter.


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