Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 33

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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

The senior brothers read sermons, and in intervals sang poetic ������������ and prayed. On prays I have paid attention, that all prayed that on the, on other adverb. When assembly
It has been finished, I have asked one young man:
- What, it is simple people on a kind so are competent, what know also other languages?
- No, - it has told. Is a m ������������ spirit.
I have been amazed and shaken extremely, and have told:
- Really, this miracle. But, probably, it is necessary to live very much ������������ a life to receive gift of other adverb.
The young man has answered me:
- Yes, differently the God also does not christen.
I have been puzzled, as considered myself as the greater sinner, and have asked:
- And what �� ���������� ��� christens?
- And you read the Gospel and you will see, that Jesus Christ christens Spirit Sacred, as well as John Krestitel christened people, immersing them in water.
I have told:
- At me too were, but have already died, God parents, They spoke, that �������������������� at their certificate has quickly dipped me into the water poured in a wooden keg, and has then dawned a sign of the cross.
- And you repented? ��� has asked me �������� (for it called Peter, and it was younger than me years on 5).
How repented? ��� I have asked - I was small, and up to now nothing ������ ����.
Well here, you see, - it has told. ��� and whom John christened, those all repented, ���������������������� the sins. Orthodox all so christen. God speak ��� �� you ������������

------------------------End paralink Translator------------------

------------------------Begin google Translator----------------

Senior brothers read sermons and sing spacing of poetry psalms and pray. At prayers, I noticed that all prayed at her, the other language. When meeting / was completed, one young man, I asked: - With this simple-looking people are so robust that they know other languages? - No, - he said. - This m opitva spirit. I was astonished and extremely shocked, and said: - Indeed, it is a miracle. But probably have to live a holy life, to get a gift of speech. And he answered me: - Yes, except God and do not cross. I was puzzled, as well as consider himself a great sinner, and asked: - What nachit W - cross? - Did you read the Gospel and see that Jesus Christ is baptizing the Holy Spirit, as John the Baptist baptized people, immersing them in water. I said: - I, too, were already dead, godparents, parents, they say that batyushkapop in their testimony quickly okunul me into the water, loaded into a wooden barrel, then fall of krestnym sign. - And you kayalsya? - Peter asked me (because his name was Peter, and he was younger I was 5 years old). As kayalsya? - I asked - I was a kid, and UIS is mandated nothing pom nude. Well, you see - he said. - A one John baptized, they all kayalis, ispovedyvaya their sins. All the so-Orthodox cross. Cross talk - «you are baptized>, a child of such a case and does not remember. 33

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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------

Big brothers read sermon, and in Paley's spaces written in verse psalms prayed. On the prayers I focused attention, that all prayed first on its, then on other adverb. When the meeting
it was finished, in one youth I asked:
- That, this people simple to the form are so competent, that they do know other languages?
- No, he said. - This m of [opitva] of spirit.
I was amazed and shaken extremely, and he said:
- Truly, this miracle. But it is, probably necessary to live very holy life in order to obtain the gift of another adverb.
Youth answered me:
- Yes, otherwise god does not cross.
I was puzzled, since itself was considered large sinner, and it asked:
- A which z [nachit] - it does cross?
- A you read gospel even you will see, that Jesus Christ crosses with spirit by the saints, as Hans [Krestitel] crossed people, immersing them in the water.
I said:
- I also had, but already died, cross parents, they indicated that [batyushkapop] with their evidence rapidly dipped me into the water, filled into the wooden keg, and then it shaded by cross sign.
- I you did repent? - asked me Pete (since him they called by Peter, and he was younger me years on 5).
How it did repent? - I asked - I was small, and on this time nothing not by [pom] to [nyu].
Well here, you see, he said. - A whom Hans crossed, those everyone repented, [ispovedyvaya] their sins. Orthodox all so they cross. Cross speak - you [kreshcheyu]> , but child this case does not remember.


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