------------------------Original Text------------------
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
More loudly a lion nobody roars, and anybody as a lion is not gluttonous, those an essence communistic building in the USSR. Anybody so furiously and loudly did not abuse the God as communists abuse, and anybody from creation of the world has not ruined believing in the country so much. The Christ, expecting our hard times, has told to Christians: �� be not afraid killing a body, showers not able to kill ��. And the Russian Christians submissively give themselves on sufferings. However. Communists are gluttonous not only on Christians, but also as I have told, on capture of all world.
They have risen to execute vision and will fall, because differently could not be ��� about it is spoken in books of prophets of Daniel 11:14 and ���������� 14:22.
Regrettably, certainly, that all these well-known apostates profane name ������������, named by Israel, because from descendants of its people, as well as that �������������� our Lord Jesus. About ��� yes! All of them send from us, but there were no we. But that They send, to us all is done known, what not ours. Not all Jews ��� Jews and Christians. When they leave the bosom which has given birth them, depart to �������������������� ����������, it becomes clear to us, that all of them spies of the satan who has left in the world human in a human seed as thieves and robbers which craft ��� to steal, ruin, kill and which the God does not know by name because did not name their names. Their fatherland ��� a hell, and monasteries �������� arranged ������������ where there will be no authorities, and on the heads will nobody to choose, and one only death yes not organized accident will be ���������������������������� above them. This that. From what we are rescueed in our belief, through hope of revival by Lord Jesus. It justifies eternal insight of our Father of the God which sees ��������������
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
Gromche lion roar none, and none of the lion is not hungry, is the essence of the communist regime in the Soviet Union. No one so fiercely and loudly not hulil God, as hulyat communists, and none of creating a world not so much destroy the believers in their own country. Christ, anticipating our difficult times, Christians say: «Do not be afraid to kill the body, and soul are not likely to kill». Both Russian Christians humbly give their suffering. Still. Communists gluttonous, not only for Christians but, as I said, the seizure of the world. They revolted, to fulfill the vision and fall, because otherwise there could not be - described in the Book of Daniel 11:14 and Isaiah 14:22. Sadly, of course, that all these famous apostate desecrate the name Jacob, called Israel because of the descendants of its people, and those who crucified our Lord Jesus Christ. O yes! All of them came from us, but not ours. But the fact that they went out, we have made known that it was not our best. Not all Jews - Jews and Christians. When they leave the womb, rodivshee them back to the generations of serpents, it becomes clear that they spy Satan, went into the world of man in human semen, as thieves and robbers, which crafts - steal, destroy, kill and where God is not aware of name, because not narekal their names. Their homeland - hell, a monastery itne arranged Hell, where no authorities, and certain heads will choose, but only one death so no organized an accident will pastyrstvovat over them. This is something. from what we saved in our faith, hope through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He justified the vision of our eternal Father, God, who sees designed 24
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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
Louder than the lion no one roars, and no one as lion is voracious, is such the essence of Communist system in the USSR. No one so fierce and loudly censured god, as Communists censure, and no one from the creation of peace so many ruined believers in its country. Christ, [predvidya] our hard times, it said to the Christians: However, do not fear of killing body, the soul of those not being powerful to kill. And Russian Christians [smirenno] return themselves to the sufferings. However. Communists are voracious not only to the Christians, but also, as I said, to the seizure of the entire world.
They rose in order to carry out vision they will fall, because otherwise be it could not - this is discussed in the books of the prophets of Danil 11:14 and [Isayya] 14:22.
Lamentable, of course, that all these famous apostates defile the name Of [iakova], named Israel, because from the descendants of his people as those that crucified our gentlemen [Iisusa]. On yes! They all left from us, but there were not our. But from the fact that they left, to us it is made by known, that not all our. Not all Jews - Jews and Christians. When they leave the bosom, which bore them, they will move away to the genealogy of kites, they become clear that they all are the scouts of satan, who left into the peace human in the human seed as pilferers and the robbers, whose craft - to steal, to ruin, to kill and which the god does not know on the name, because he did not name their names. Their fatherland - hell, and abode to [itne] arranged Gehenna, where it will not be authorities, and nobody will select to the authorities, and one death alone yes the not organized chance they will [pastyrstvovat] above them. This that. from what we are rescued in our faith, through the hope of resurrection by Lord [Iisus]. It justifies the eternal sagacity of our father of the god, who sees [zvannykh],
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