Saturday, November 1, 2008

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������������ ������ ������ ������������������ �� 1979 ��������. ������������������ ��������, �� �������� ������������������: ���������������� ���������� ������������������ �������������� ��������, ������ ������������������ ������������ ���� CCCP �������� �� �������� ���������� ��������������. ��������: ��8 ������ �������������� �� 5 ������ ��������������. �� ���������� ������������������ �������������� 14 ������.
�� 1987 �������� ������ �������������������� ���� �������������������� �� ���������� �� �������������������������� ��������������������, �� ���������� 6 �������������� �� ������������ ������������ ���� ��������.
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Second time has been arrested in 1979. Charges ��������, and �������� it is added: �� it is guilty before the Soviet authority but, that achieved departure from CCCP to itself and all community ��. Term: �� 8 years of camps and 5 years of the reference ��. Has in total stayed 14 years.
In 1987 has been released from the conclusion in connection with political changes, and in 6 months with ������������ has left the USSR.
After the second conclusion suffered illness of heart as before the second clearing there was an attempt of a poisoning by its poison, the nurse of camp.
As well as at many attendants the Divine, his life in the USSR was not easy. Leaving from prosecutions of KGB in the Union, has been compelled to change 25 times a residence, having passed all hapless Russia from Ukraine and up to the Far East, including Urals Mountains, Siberia, Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutia, Sakhalin, the Far East. Had 11 children. The wife of its Barbarian Nikolaevna, is alive about this day in America. All children and grandsons live in America and Canada.


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The second time was arrested in 1979. Charges tezhe and knim added: «guilty to Soviet power but that sought to exit from the CCCP themselves and their entire community». Duration: «8 years old camps and 5-year link». In total, served 14 years. In 1987, was released from prison in connection with political changes, but after 6 months from the house left the Soviet Union. After the second conclusion was suffering heart disease, as the second liberation was an attempt to poison him poison, a nurse camp. Like many servants of God, his life in the USSR was not easy. Leaving from persecution KGB in the Union, was forced 25 times to change residence, after passing all the hapless Russia from Ukraine and to the Far East, including the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutia, Sakhalin, the Far East. There were 11 children. his wife Barbara N., alive to this day in America. All children and grandchildren live in America and Canada. 4

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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------

The second time was arrested in 1979. Charges [tezhe], and by [knim] is added: it is guilty before the Soviet regime then, that it attained departure from CCCP to itself and to entire its community. Period: 8 years of camps and 5 years of reference. It on the whole finished distilling 14 years.
It was in 1987 freed from the conclusion in connection with the political changes, and in 6 months with the family it left from the USSR.
After the second conclusion it suffered the disease of heart, since before the second release was an attempt at the poisoning its poison, by the nurse of camp.
As in many servants of God, its life in the USSR was not light. Departing from the pursuits of the KGB in the union, 25 times were forced to interchange the position of residence, after passing entire miserable Russia from the Ukraine and to the Far East, including the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutiya, Sakhalin, the Far East. It had 11 children. the wife of its Barbara Nikolaevna, is living to this day in America. All children and grandsons live in America and Canada.


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