------------------------Original Text------------------
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------
�� Religion ��� opium for people ��, ��... A sort of spiritual raw vodka... ��, �� I against acceptance in a party of the persons participating in orthodox ceremonies �� ��� wrote ��.H.���������� to the �������������������������������� ��������������������������������. �� The religion and communism are not compatible �� ��� its doctor's slogan was developed.
Nothing remains from freedom promised to all layers of the population. While Lenin was alive. The part of wise intelligency has left on the West. Has left not because Lenin was more merciful than Stalin, and simply had not time to close on locks all of border, and people, where the pedestrian, and where horse, and ���������� the rivers and by the sea, �������������������������� on the West. Have not a little left and with armies Antanty. But simple and religious inhabitants of Russia all have remained in a trap.
But I about temples. Having moved from the Crimean coast to Caucasus, and from Caucasus through �������� to Krasnovodsk, to Central Asia, here, in ������������������, we, ������������������ have gorged on breads. There was an attempt to run to Iran, but not successful. The father was tormented with the whole day, but, looking at us, hungry, ������������������ and have released. Having located in Tedzhen (������������������) all of us three steels to study. On surburb of city there was a magnificent orthodox church from a strong red brick. In it for a long time any more did not serve; doors have been hammered, and trellised windows are beaten out. Boys who is more thin, climbed inside and took there different books. On the opposite party of Tedzhen there was a greater Muslim mosque where too for a long time it was not spent any rituals.
Orthodox church have blown up dynamite, and on a place of a mosque communists have made a years cinema.
------------------------End paralink Translator------------------
------------------------Begin google Translator----------------
Destroyed temple «Religion - opium for the people», «... kind of spiritual sivuhi ...», «I am against the adoption of a batch of people involved in the Orthodox rites» - H. V. Lenin wrote in his posleoktyabrskih pismahdoktrinah. «Religion and communism are incompatible» - vyrabotalsya his doctoral slogan. Nothing is left of the freedoms promised by all segments of the population. While Lenin were alive. Part wise intellectuals went to the west. Ushla not because Lenin was gracious Stalin, but simply did not have even close to locks for all borders, and people with foot, and where horse and ktoto rivers and the sea, proskolznuli to the west. Not little left and the armies of Entente. But the simple and religious people of Russia are still trapped. But I am of the temple. Moving from the Crimean coast in the Caucasus, and Caucasians Oaku through to Krasnovodsk in Central Asia, here in Turkmenistan, we nakonetsto Naela bread. It was an attempt to flee to Iran, but not happy. Father tormented the whole night, but, looking at us, the hungry, szhalilis and released. Based in Tedzhene (Turkmenistan), we all three have to learn. On the outskirts of the city was magnificent Orthodox Church of robust red brick. It has long been not served, the doors were beaten and lattice windows broken. Boys who are thinner, lazili inside and took a different book. On the opposite side Tedzhena was a large Muslim mosque, where too long no rituals. Orthodox Church detonated dynamite, a mosque on the site did communists summer theater. 19
------------------------End google Translator------------------
------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------
Religion - opium for the people, the kind of spiritual fusel oil, I against the adoption into the party of those, who participate in the orthodox rites - wrote [V].H.[Lenin] in its post-October revolution [pismakhdoktrinakh]. Religion and communism are not compatible - its doctoral slogan was manufactured.
Nothing it remained from the freedoms, promised to all strata of society. Thus far Lenin was living. the part of the wise intelligentsia left to the West. However, it left not because Lenin was more merciful than Stalin, and simply did not have time to still shut to the locks all boundaries, and people, where foot, but where horse, but [ktoto] by rivers and by sea, slipped to the West. Little they did not leave also with the armies of entente. But the simple and religious inhabitants of Russia everyone remained in the trap.
But I about the temples. After moving from the Crimean shore in the Caucasus, and from the Caucasus through [Oaku] in Krasnovodsk, into Central Asia, here, in Turkmenia, we, [nakonetsto] ate till full bread. There was the attempt to run into Iran, but not successful. Father tormented entire twenty-four hours, but, looking on us, hungry, they took pity and they let go. After being based in [Tedzhene] (Turkmenia) we all three they began to learn. In the outskirts of city there was splendid orthodox church from the strong common brick. In it have not for a long time they served; doors were oppressed, and lattice windows were knocked out. Boys, who is thinner, climbed they inward and took there different books. On the opposite side Of [tedzhena] there was the large Moslem mosque, where also had long ago been it carried out no rituals.
They exploded orthodox church by dynamite, and on the spot mosque made Communists a summer cinema.
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