Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 32

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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

For me it was not news. At the alive father only in the evenings. At ���������������������� to a lamp, we, I remember, read the forbidden book the Bible., and every time when ritual of reading came to an end, the Bible carefully turned in �������������������� a rag and carefully put on the bottom of a ware chest that who, suddenly, could not see it casually. Were afraid even of friends because the some people only for presence of the Bible condemned in prison.
I remembered ������ from the school bench, what obligations had on themselves the teacher of school to struggle with ���������� in the God all available means; as on denunciations teachers for passivity, or for a tacit consent or sympathy for Christians were accused also. Mugs of " militant atheists �� who rushed into houses of backward and illiterate peasants and the townspeople for ' humane ���������������������� were arranged.
�� Damned! �� ��� the old woman shouted ����������������������, showing the door from the house of uninvited visitors.
Sometimes, for such cold reception "militant" all descended ������������ from hands, and more often ��� it is not known where careless people disappeared.
And therefore I have told to the cautious old woman:
I know such necessity. Authorities do not love, when ���������� from ������������������ leaves on them openly.
What that, ��������������? ������... I can not utter.
I have explained it as could, and it has agreed: In the Gospel and about it it is written: �� the Board of belief, a helmet rescue, a sword spiritual is ������������������ ����������.
In assembly there was a shower about forty, an average and
Light-middleweight age and the person ten youthful.


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For me it was not news. Even with a live father only evenings. with kerosene lamps, we remember, read banned books of the Bible. and whenever end ritual of reading the Bible carefully wrap in clean tryapitsu and carefully put on the very bottom veschevogo sunduka to those who suddenly could not see her accidentally. Afraid to even know, because some only for the presence of the Bible zasuzhivali in prison. I remember etse from school, what obligations were on a school teacher to fight with faith in God with all available means, as of denunciation and teachers were accused of passivity, or for acquiescence or sympathy for the Christians. Arranged circles «atheist militant», who raided the homes of backward and illiterate villagers and townspeople for 'humane iroeveschengi. «Okayannye!» - Shouting kakayanibud old vyprovazhivaya from home unbidden visitors. Sometimes, in such a cool reception «militants» komuto all returned to the hands, and more - it is not known where devalis reckless people. And so I said, cautious old: I know I have this need. The authorities do not like when ktoto of valiant men went at them with open zabralom. With that, synochek? Zab ... I can not reprimanded. I explained to her how could, and she agreed: In the Gospel and this is written: «shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the spiritual - is of God. The meeting was about forty souls, middle and polusrednego age and ten young people. 32

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------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------

For me this was not by the news. Even with the living father only by evenings. with the kerosine lamp, we, remember, they read the forbidden book bible., and every time that concluded the ritual of reading, bible they thoroughly turned up into clean [tryapitsu] and with great care placed on the very bottom of supply trunk so that who, suddenly, could not see it randomly. They feared even familiar, because some only for the presence of the bible of [zasuzhivali] into the prison.
I remembered [etse] from the school bench, what obligations had on themselves a teacher of school in order to fight with the faith in the god by all existing means; as on the denunciations were charged teachers for the passiveness, either for the taciturn agreement or the sympathy to the Christians. Were arranged the circles militant atheists, who were dug in into the houses of backward and illiterate villagers and townspeople of [dlya]' humane [iroeveshchengi].
The damned! - shouted [kakayanibud] old woman, escorting from to the house of uninvited visitors.
Sometimes, for this unkind method of those being militant all descended [komuto] from the hands, and more frequent - unknown where got to careless people.
But therefore I said to the careful old lady:
I know this need. Authority they do not love, when [ktoto] from the brave men leaves on them with the open visor.
What that, [synochek]? ZAB I cannot pronounce.
I explained by it, as he could, and it agreed: In the gospel and about this it is written: The panel of faith, helmet rescuing, sword is spiritual - these are possession of all necessities [Bozhie].
In the meeting there were souls of approximately forty, average and
[polusrednego] age and man of ten youthful.


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