Saturday, November 1, 2008

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The right of the eternal future. To defend in tests. Test of our spirit for all us, elites from creation of the world should tell, that, are absolutely necessary, that memory of our soul became stronger events of Dominical victories over our bodies. Our body is doomed, certainly, because sinfully, but in memory of soul for ever there are those cases when we fell and rose by means of Spirit ���������� through belief in our Christ Jesus that all glory of rescue belonged not to us, and to the God who has become by a flesh. Also what we know? We know that we love our Lord, because, not seeing an output from hopelessness, we appeal to it, and It, being is true to us, answers, changing night of a mortal shadow in unexpected day of rescue.
About what I wish to tell? Severe slavery for Christians in Soviet Union ��� a mortal shadow, in fetters of the Iron Curtain. But from experience to us, it is obvious, what not always the gloom is eternal there where it is condensed for the God to all times has morning and evening, and hour of approach of day of new time comes. The satan has lost for the struggle good luck; the Iron Curtain was slightly opened. And it will open wide open for an input of all Christians, all names, from the Soviet house of slavery.
These our hopes will be justified by the Christ. And who is incorrect ��� let will be incorrect; in the end ��� the ends, it is its choice ��� for it is impossible to serve two misters. That is to the Lord and ������������.
Fidelity true in belief and trust to the God to not look back back, as owes to the plowman, which should work to plough all field, to look after it, to wait a crop.
Soviet Union ��� Babylon �������������������������� time. That it so, we learn on fruits, what any


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the right to eternal future. defend in the tests. I must say that the spirit of our test for all of us, elected from the establishment of peace, indispensable to the memory of our souls strengthened events LORD victories in our bodies. The body of our doomed, of course, because sinful, but in your soul forever remained in cases where we fell and rose with the help of the Spirit of God through our faith in Christ Jesus to all the glory belonged not rescue us, God became flesh. And what do we know? We know that love our Lord, because they do not see a way out of hopelessness, appeal to him, but he is faithful to us, responds by changing the night the shadow of death in an unexpected day of salvation. What I want to say? The brutal slavery for Christians in the Soviet Union - the shadow of death, in the shackles of the Iron Curtain. But from the experience we have, obviously, not always eternal darkness, where he sguschen, because with God all the time is morning and evening and arrives hour of the day a new time. Satan lost his battle with God; iron curtain priotkrylsya. And it opens wide the entrance to all Christians, all the names of the Soviet house of bondage. These we hope will live Christ. And who wrong - let them be wrong in the end - all, is his choice - which can not serve two masters. that is, God and Mamon. Faithfulness to the faithful in the faith and trust in God, not to look back, as should Pahari, which must work hard to vspahat all his field, caring for them to wait for the harvest. The Soviet Union - Babylon, New Testament times. As it is, we learn of the benefits, which none 7

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right eternal future. to defend in the tests. Must say that spirit testing of our for all us, selected from the creation of peace, it is completely necessary so that the memory of our soul would be strengthened by the events Of [gospodnikh] victories in our bodies. Body our is doomed, of course, because sinful, but in the memory of soul forever remain those cases, when we fell and they arose with the aid of the spirit of [Iisusa] God through the faith in Christ's our so that entire glory of rescuing would belong not to us, but to god, who became flesh. And that we do know? We know that the fact that we love our gentlemen, because, without seeing output from the hopelessness, we appeal to it, but it is, being accurate to us, it answers, changing the night of mortal shadow during the unexpected day of rescuing.
About which I do want to speak? Severe servitude for the Christians in the Soviet Union - mortal shadow, in the fetters of the Iron Curtain. But from the experience to us, it is obvious, that not always gloom is eternal, where it is condensed, since in god to all times there is the morning and evening, and the hour of the offensive of the day of new time comes. Satan lost its fight with the god; the Iron Curtain was opened slightly. And it will be opened wide for the entrance of all Christians, all names, from the Soviet house of servitude.
Christ will justify these our hopes. But who is incorrect - let be incorrect; at the end - ends, this is its selection - since it is not possible to serve two gentlemen. i.e., to the Lord and Mamon.
The faithfulness of accurate in faith and confidence in god in order not to be examined back, as it is must to the ploughman, who must work in order to plough entire its field, to handle it in order to wait for harvest.
The Soviet Union - Babylon of New-Testament time. What this so, we learn on the fruits, such as not one


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