Saturday, November 1, 2008

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And serious brothers used the Word Dominical which was uttered with Spirit Sacred through it ��.
And actually so was. Spirit Sacred, to lips and Annas. Gave for church great revelations about future times and when danger from prosecution by militia threatened. Through it manuals ���������������������� where and in whose house it will be possible to spend divine services were given, not being afraid of reprisals. And it is valid, where the Spirit Sacred advised to not go, the militia came and did searches; �������� �������������������� not �������������������� Bibles, a psaltery and other spiritual literature, Asking: �� When and during what time come to you on prays? ��. And, if owners of the house refused to answer, the militia threatened: �� all is known to Us. Here we shall arrest, so all will tell ��. Also arrested, but, not having proofs, sometimes released.
And there, where the God blessed to gather, speaking us: �� be not afraid, here Washing there will be a protection ��, - no incidents occured.
Being jealous about Sacred Spirit, I ���������� was in the house at ������������������; prayed, but unsuccessfully. And here there was to me word ���������������� through it such: �� my Son! I am close to you, but the enemy pursues your soul. But you ������������������������ to it �������������� belief ��. These words as if have worked a thunder on my soul and it seemed to me, what not �� ���� m not them has told, and alive Jesus, which affinity I has felt. Presence of great force was so clearly, that tears from mind silt ������ flew itself and self.


In 1943 Soviet Union has been compelled to change the form of army clothes, that is to accept ������������ and as has been compelled to refuse from


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and serious brothers enjoy the word of the LORD, who utter the Holy Spirit through it ». And indeed it was. The Holy Spirit, mouth and Anna. gave to the Church of the great revelations of future times, and when the risk of prosecution by police. Through it provided guidance elders, where and in whose house will be conducting worship without fear of reprisal. Indeed, where the Holy Spirit advised not to go, the police came and did searches; conference iskovyvala not hidden the Bible, harp and other spiritual literature, asking: «When and in what time come to you to pray?». And Ezhela owners of the house refused to answer, the police threatened: «We all know that. Here arestuem, so all say ». And arrested, but without evidence, sometimes released. And where God has blessed to meet, let us: «Do not worry, here is my protection», - no incidents occurred. Revnuya of the Holy Spirit, CAST, I was in the house of the prophetess; prayed, but without success. And here came to me through word of the Lord it is: «My son! I am close to you, but your enemy has a soul. But you protivostan his firm belief ». The words they act like thunder on my soul and I thought that it was not Z m not name them said, and the living Jesus, I felt a closeness. The presence of a great power was so evident that the tears from the mind of Ile tekli itself and each other. FORCED ASSIGNMENTS In 1943, the Soviet Union was forced to change the form of military clothing, that is to take the race and also was forced to abandon 36

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and serious brothers used in a word [Gospodnim], which uttered the spirit of saint through it.
And in reality so it was. Spirit of saint, to mouths and Annas. it gave for the church great revelations about the future times, and when she threatened danger from the pursuit with the police. Through it manuals to presbyters, where and in whose house it will be possible to carry out divine services, were given, without fearing repressions. And actually, where the spirit of saint advised not to walk, the police came and made searches; conf of [iskovyvala] the not hidden bibles, [gusli] and another spiritual literature, asking: When and in what time they come to you to the prayers?. And, if the masters of house rejected to answer, the police threatened: To us all is known. Here we arrest, so all you will say. And they arrested, but, without having proofs, sometimes they released.
But, where god blessed to be gathered, telling us: Do not fear, here my there will be protection, no incidents it occurred.
Being jealous about the holy spirit, I [kakto] was in the house in prophetess; it prayed, but it is unsuccessful. And there was here to me word To [gospodne] through it such: Son is my! I am close to you, but enemy pursues your soul. But you [protivostan] to it by solid faith. These words as if thunder acted on my soul and to me it seemed that not Z of [mya] m not them said, but very living Of [iisus], whose proximity I felt. The presence of great power was so clearly, that the tears from mind the silt of [niya] flowed itself and by themselves.


In 1943 the Soviet Union forced was to change the form of army clothing, i.e., to accept pursuits, and it is so forced it was to forego


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