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Names �� Red Army ��, "Red Army man", �������������������������������� and to replace with their names �� the Soviet army ��, �� the Soviet officer ��, �� the Soviet soldier ��. And concerning religion Stalin has been compelled to go for significant concessions ��� to resolve Divine service which actually at its impudent will was forbidden for ever for �� the religion and communism are not compatible ��. It was authorized to open in the cities visited by foreign tourists, orthodox temples under aegis of the Moscow Patriarchy and prayful houses (In common evangelical and to Baptists, under ������������ ���������� (All-Union advice of evangelical Christians of Baptists) where, under threats of reprisals, compelled (and compel to this day) to join ���������������������������� which independent union has stopped the existence since 1928, with arrest of its chairman (president) of bishop Ivan Efimovicha Joronaeva. Ivan Voronaev, leaving the termless conclusion, was lost in one of ������ (������������������������������������������ camps) the Karaganda area literally stuffed by concentration camps.
Was lost so: coming back from work in a zone of camp, it receives from the heads new �������������������������� on other object to perform there the specified work. When it has gone, the dogs (sheep-dog) specially trained for protection of prisoners and for their capture on a case of runaway have been lowered. Dogs, having caught up ������������������, have thrown on it and, having torn up to pieces in pieces a wadded padded jacket, have fatally covered with wounds all body.
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the name «Red Army», «Red Army man», «Krasnogvardeets», and replace them with the names of «The Soviet army», «Soviet officer», «Soviet soldiers». And with regard to religion, Stalin was forced to make significant concessions - to allow the Divine service, which in fact he will defiant been banned forever, because «religion and communism are incompatible». Allowed to be opened in urban areas frequented by foreign tourists, Orthodox churches under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate and houses of worship (together) and the Evangelical Baptists, under the auspices of VSAT (All-Union Council of Evangelical Christian Baptist), where, under threats of reprisals, forced (and force to this day ) To join a Pentecostal, autonomous union which ceased to exist since 1928, the arrest of its chairman (president), Bishop Ivan Efimovicha Yoronaeva. The very same Ivan Voronaev after serving an indefinite conclusion, was killed in one of the ITL (ispravitelnotrudovyh camps), Karaganda region, literally napichkannoy concentration camps. He was killed the same way: by going back to work in the area of the camp, he receives from superiors new poruchenieidti to another site to perform a specified job. When he went, were down dog (Shepherd Dog), specially trained to guard prisoners and to capture them in the event of an escape. Dogs, caught up with Voronaeva, nakinulis to him and izodrav in tatters cotton telogrejke, mortally wounded the entire body. 37
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names Red Army, Red Army man, Red Guard, and to replace with their names Soviet Army, Soviet officer, Soviet soldier. And with respect to religion Stalin forced was to go to the significant concessions - to solve the divine service, which on his audacious will was actually forbidden forever, since religion and communism they were not compatible. It was permitted open in the cities, attended by foreign tourists, orthodox temples under the aegis of Moscow [Patriarkhii] and houses of prayer (together) Evangelical and to Baptists, under the aegis [VSAT] (All-Union council of the Evangelical Christians of Baptists), where, under the threats of repressions, they forced (and force to this day) to be poured [Pyatidesyatnikov], whose autonomous union ended its existence since 1928, with the arrest of its chairman (President) bishop Ivan [Efimovich] [Yoronaeva]. Itself Ivan [Voronaev], departing termless conclusion, perished in one of [ITL] ([ispravitelnotrudovykh] camps) of Karaganda region, literally stuffed by concentration camps.
However, it perished thus: returning from the work into the zone of camp, it obtains from the authorities new to [poruchenieidti] to another object in order to carry out the there indicated work. When it went, were gone down the dogs (sheep dog), specially trained for the protection of prisoners and for their catching in the case of flight. Dogs, after overtaking [Voronaeva], were thrown on to it and, after ripping into the shreds wadded padded jacket, mortally they covered with wounds all body.
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