Thursday, November 6, 2008

Russian text from my script to blogger via email

It looks like I still need to make Russian text display correctly in blogger from my script. I will just delete and re-upload the pages sometime in the future. After all it done you will see a live person translation of each page. The reason why I haven't uploaded the whole book is because blogger send a captcha and my app can't get it. I will have to display the image and send another request/post. Will see as time goes by. I have other thing that are higher priority that I need to take care of first.

1. Proofreading the ocr'd text (Working on application to make proofreading a snap, CI )
2. Abstract Translation Script
3. Add pyGTK/wxPython User interface( select range of files and send to translators, select a directory to write files to )I know this is easy, but I don't know pyGTK that well as of yet. Keep learning. I have some books to read.
4. Create paperback of translated book.

People spending time on this Project so far:
Ed Goretoy(My Cousin)
Alex Goretoy(My Cousin)
Aleksandr Goretoy(me)
Some other people(Still need to find out who that was)

You could say it takes about 24 hours to scan and ocr a book with a friend(I broke up the time between days, of course).

A few days for the programs to translate the ocr'd text(that really depends on some other thing).

Who knows how much time to proofread(need to create web app to proofread ocr'd text,working on that now).

Translate text so it is understandable and the original message gets across to the reader.(May take a while) If you want to proof read some pages from the book, Please let me know. I want to proofread it at least 3 times per page with my application.

This project is also taking place on CHECK IT OUT

You can donate to us for our time on this public project. Slowly but surely you will be able to read the translated text here online or purchase a paperback.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Page 1

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�������������� ��������������


���������������������� ��. ����������������


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Nikolay Goretoj


Illustrator B.Pavlenko


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Nikolai Goretoy USSR Apocalyptic BABYLON Illustrator B. Pavlenko 2005

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Nikolai [Goretoy]


Illustrator [B]. Pavlenko


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Page 2

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������ 84 (4 ������)
�� 67

��. ��������������
�� 67 ��������. ��������������������������������
��������������. 2005 - 432. ��.

������������, ���������������������� ������ ����������������, ������������ ��������, ���������� ������ ������������ ���������� ������������������ ���������� �� ����������������. ������ ���������������� ����������������, �������������� ������������������������ ���������� ������������ ���� �������������������� ���� ����������, �� ������ �������� ������ ��������, �������������� ���������������� �������������������� �� ���� ����������.

ISBN 966-7802-30-2

��. �������������� 2005

------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

������ 84 (4 DEWS)
�� 67

�� 67 USSR. ��������������������������������
��������������. 2005 - 432. With.

Everyone, read through these pages, will see a way what the Spirit Sacred conducts the elites to eternity. This fiery christening which accompanies with children Divine during their life, and at all thus, pleasure heavenly is reflected in their persons.

ISBN 966-7802-30-2

N.Goretoj 2005

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BBC 84 (4 ROS) G 67 N. Goretoy A 67 USSR. Apocalyptic BABYLON. 2005 - 432. with. Anyone reading these pages, see the way in which the Holy Spirit has chosen for its eternity. This baptism of fire, which accompanies the children of God throughout their lives, and when all of this, the joy of celestial reflected in their faces. ISBN 966-7802-30-2 N. Goretoy 2005

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[BBK] 84 (4 ROS)
G 67

[N]. [Goretoy]
Babylon. 2005 - 432. s.

The way, such as the spirit of saint conducts those selected its to the eternity, will see everyone, which read these pages. This fiery baptism, which accompanies the children of God during their life, and with everything in this case, happiness celestial is reflected in their faces.

ISBN 966-7802-30-2

[N]. [Goretoy] 2005

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Page 3

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�������������� �������������� ���������������� �������������� �� 1921 �������� 13 �������������� �� ��. ��������������, �������������� ��������������. ������������ �������� ��������������, ���������� ������ �������� 12 ������.
���������� ���������������������� �� ������������ �� 1945 �������� �� ��.������������, ������������ ���������������� ���������� ������������, �� �� 1948 �������� ������ ������������ ���� ���������������� ������������������, �������������� �� ������ ������ �������� ����������.
���� ���������������������� ������ �������������� �� ����������������, ���� ���������������� ���� �������������������������� ���� ������, ������ �� �������� �������������������� ���� ���������������������� ���������������� �� ������������. ������������ ���������� ������ ������������ ���� �������������������� �������� ���������������� �� ��������, �� ������������������ ������������ �� ���������������� E���������� �� ��������������, �������������� ���������� ������������������������ ������������, ������������ �� ��������.
�� 1960 �������� ������ ������������ ������ ���������� ���� ���������� ����������. ���������������� ������������: ���������������� ���������� ���������� ������������ ��������������������, �� ���������������� �������������������������� ���������� ������������������������������. �������� - 6 ������ �������������� �� 5 ������ ������������. ���������� �������������� �������������������� �������������� ���������� ��������������.


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Goretoj Nikolay Petrovich was born in 1921 on December, 13th in with. ��������������, Kursk area. The father has lost, when to it there were 12 years.
After returning from front in 1945 in of Frunze, has accepted a christening Spirit Sacred, and in 1948 has been selected on service by bishop which bore all life.
By formation there was a teacher and the artist, but work on a speciality could not, for in the USSR Christians were not allowed to work at schools. However hundreds its pictures on Bible themes have remained in the USSR, and the some people have got in Western E���������� and America, Christian hymns, verses and poems have written many.
In 1960 there was first time judge for Word ����������. The verdict said: �� Seven children has made believers ��, and �� Was the head of sect ���������������������������� ��. Term - 6 years of camps and 5 years of the reference. After the first conclusion suffered a stomach ulcer.


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Burn Nikolai was born in 1921 to 13 December with. Bridge, the Kursk region. His father lost when he was 12 years old. After returning from the front in 1945 g.Frunze, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and in 1948 was elected to serve the bishop, which bore all his life. Education was a teacher and artist, but their profession could not, because in the USSR Christians are not allowed to work in schools. But hundreds of his paintings on Biblical themes have remained in the USSR, while some caught in West Evropu and America, wrote a lot of Christian hymns, poems and poems. In 1960, was first tried for the Word of God. The sentence read: «Seven of their children made believers», and «He was the leader of the Pentecostal sects». Period - 6 years old camps and 5 years exile. After the first prisoners suffered stomach ulcer. 3

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[Goretoy] Nikolai Petrovich was born in 1921 on December 13 in s. of filly, Kurskaya district. It lost its father, when to it there were 12 years.
After the return from the front in 1945 in [g].[Frunze], was accepted the baptism as spirit by the saints, and it was in 1948 selected to the service by bishop, which bore entire its life.
On the formation there was the teacher and artist, but to work in the specialty he did not can, since in the USSR to Christians it did not make possible to work in the schools. However, hundreds of its pictures on the biblical themes remained in the USSR, and some arrive in Western E[vropu] and America, it wrote many Christian hymns, verses and poems.
There was in 1960 for the first time we judge for the word [Bozhie]. Sentence said: Seven its children he made by believers, and he was " the leader of the sect Of [pyatidesyatnikov]. Period - 6 years of camps and 5 years of reference. After the first conclusion it suffered stomach ulcer.


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Page 4

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������������ ������ ������ ������������������ �� 1979 ��������. ������������������ ��������, �� �������� ������������������: ���������������� ���������� ������������������ �������������� ��������, ������ ������������������ ������������ ���� CCCP �������� �� �������� ���������� ��������������. ��������: ��8 ������ �������������� �� 5 ������ ��������������. �� ���������� ������������������ �������������� 14 ������.
�� 1987 �������� ������ �������������������� ���� �������������������� �� ���������� �� �������������������������� ��������������������, �� ���������� 6 �������������� �� ������������ ������������ ���� ��������.
���������� �������������� �������������������� �������������� ���������������� ������������, ������ ������ ���������� ������������ �������������������������� �������� �������������� �������������������� ������ ��������, �������������������� ������������.
������ �� �� ������������ �������������������� ������������, ���������� ������ �� �������� �������� ���� ������������. ���������� ���� �������������������������� ������ �� ����������, ������ ���������������� 25 ������ ���������������� ���������� ��������������������, ������������ ������ �������������������� ������������ ���� �������������� �� ���� ���������������� ��������������, �������������� ��������, ������������, ������������, �������������� ��������, ������������, ��������������, �������������� ������������. �������� 11 ����������. �������� ������ �������������� ��������������������, �������� ���� �������� ������ �� ��������������. ������ �������� �� ���������� ���������� �� �������������� �� ������������.


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Second time has been arrested in 1979. Charges ��������, and �������� it is added: �� it is guilty before the Soviet authority but, that achieved departure from CCCP to itself and all community ��. Term: �� 8 years of camps and 5 years of the reference ��. Has in total stayed 14 years.
In 1987 has been released from the conclusion in connection with political changes, and in 6 months with ������������ has left the USSR.
After the second conclusion suffered illness of heart as before the second clearing there was an attempt of a poisoning by its poison, the nurse of camp.
As well as at many attendants the Divine, his life in the USSR was not easy. Leaving from prosecutions of KGB in the Union, has been compelled to change 25 times a residence, having passed all hapless Russia from Ukraine and up to the Far East, including Urals Mountains, Siberia, Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutia, Sakhalin, the Far East. Had 11 children. The wife of its Barbarian Nikolaevna, is alive about this day in America. All children and grandsons live in America and Canada.


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The second time was arrested in 1979. Charges tezhe and knim added: «guilty to Soviet power but that sought to exit from the CCCP themselves and their entire community». Duration: «8 years old camps and 5-year link». In total, served 14 years. In 1987, was released from prison in connection with political changes, but after 6 months from the house left the Soviet Union. After the second conclusion was suffering heart disease, as the second liberation was an attempt to poison him poison, a nurse camp. Like many servants of God, his life in the USSR was not easy. Leaving from persecution KGB in the Union, was forced 25 times to change residence, after passing all the hapless Russia from Ukraine and to the Far East, including the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutia, Sakhalin, the Far East. There were 11 children. his wife Barbara N., alive to this day in America. All children and grandchildren live in America and Canada. 4

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The second time was arrested in 1979. Charges [tezhe], and by [knim] is added: it is guilty before the Soviet regime then, that it attained departure from CCCP to itself and to entire its community. Period: 8 years of camps and 5 years of reference. It on the whole finished distilling 14 years.
It was in 1987 freed from the conclusion in connection with the political changes, and in 6 months with the family it left from the USSR.
After the second conclusion it suffered the disease of heart, since before the second release was an attempt at the poisoning its poison, by the nurse of camp.
As in many servants of God, its life in the USSR was not light. Departing from the pursuits of the KGB in the union, 25 times were forced to interchange the position of residence, after passing entire miserable Russia from the Ukraine and to the Far East, including the Urals, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutiya, Sakhalin, the Far East. It had 11 children. the wife of its Barbara Nikolaevna, is living to this day in America. All children and grandsons live in America and Canada.


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Page 5

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���� ������ �������������� ���������� ������������ ������������������ ���� ����������, ������������������ �������������������� ������ ������������ ������������ �� �������������� ����������������. �� ������������������������ �� �� ��������������. ���������������������� ��������������, ������������������ ������������������������ �� ���� ���������������� ��������������. �� �������������������������� �������������������� �� �������������� �� ������������ ���������������� ���������������� ���� ���������� ����������������. ������ �������� �� ������ ��������, �������� ������������������ ���������� ������ ������������������������. ������ ���������������� ������������ ������ ��������������. ���� ��������������������. ���� ������ ������������ �������������������� �� ������������������������ �������������������� ����������������.
�� �������� ���������� ���������������� ������ ���� ���������������������� ������������������ ���� �������� ������������ ���������������� �������������� ������������������ �� ����m ��������������, �� �������������� ������ ���� ������.


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In all the periods of a life of church Hristovoj on the Earth, Christians reflected above the Word Divine on former events. About an event and about the future. Investigated ��������������, comparing events occuring in their stay. With prophecies Dominical about the future and always found similarity to time. So was and so is, in fact shifts of the enemy of souls human. How to ruin it is more than souls human. Have not changed. But they only are multiplied with approach of coming ����������������.
In this book are stated as reflections of the worker on Divine Goretogo Nikolay Petrovicha's field about ����m to time in which it lived.


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PROLOGUE In all periods of life of the Church of Christ on earth, Christians have reflected on the word of God on past events. about what is happening and the future. Studied scripture, comparing the developments in their tenure as events. LORD with prophecies about the future and always found the similarities to his time. So it was so there, because uhischreniya enemy of human souls. how to kill more human souls. have not changed. but they have only multiplied with the approach of the coming of the Lord. The book outlines just thought truzhenika in the field of God burn Nikolai Petrovich on the tom-time, in which he lived. 5

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In all life cycles of the church of Christ's on the Earth, the Christians reflected above in a word God about the previous events. on proceeding and about the future. Writings were investigated, comparing the events proceeding into their sojourn. with the prophecies [Gospodnimi] about the future and always found the similarity to their time. So it was and so there are, indeed the contrivances of the enemy of the souls of human. as to ruin more than the souls of human. they did not change. but they only are multiplied with the approximation of the advent Of [gospodnya].
In this book are presented so the reflections of toiler on the field Of [goretogo] Nikolai Petrovich's God against [to]m of time, in which it lived itself.


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Page 6

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�������������� ���������������������� �������������� �� ������������������������ �������������� ������������������������ ��������������. ���� ������������, ������ ������ ������������, �������������������� ���� ������������ ������������������������������ ������ �� ��������������, ���������� �������������� �������������������� �� �������������������� ��������������. �������������������� �������� ������ �� ������������������ ���������� ������������ �������������� ���� ���������������������� ��������, ���� ���� ���������������� �������� ������ ���������������������� ��������������, �������������� �������� �������������������� ���������������� �������� ���������������������������� �� ���������� �������� ����������.
�������������������������� ������������ �������������� ������������������ ������������, ���� ���������� ������������������ ������������ �� ���������� ���������������������� �������������� ���� �������������� �� ����������, ���� ���� �������������� ���� ���������������� ��������������. ���������������� �������� �������� ���������������� ���������� ������, ���������� �������� �� ���������� �������������� ��������������. �� ������ ���������� �������� ������, ������������ �������������������� ������������ �� ���������������������������� �������������� �������� ������ ����������������������. ���� ���������� �������������������������� �� ���������� ���������� �������������������� �������������������������� ������������������, �� �� ���������� ������������������������ ����������������������, ������ ������ ��������, ������ ���� ���������� �� ���� �������� ������������ �������������� �������� ������, �� ������ �������� ����������. �� ���� �������� ���������������������� �� ����������������������, ��������, ������ �������������������� �������� ���������������� �� ���������� �� �������� ���������������� �� ������������ �������� ������ �������������� ����������, �������������� �������� ���������� �������������������� ���������� �������� ��������, ������������������ �� ��������. �� ������ ��� ���������� ����������, �������������� ���������������������� ������������ ������ ���������������������� ���������� ������, �������������� �������������������� �������������� �������� ���� ������������ ��


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Prophecies ancient and ������������������������ authors ������������������������ �������������� have come true. On true, the Spirit Sacred, inspired them to see ������������������������������ dreams and visions which secrets concerned to last time. �������������������� these that in an antiquity have killed many authors of their prophetical books, but have not changed a course of those historically events which were �������������������� the Lord of all dominating and Tsar of all tsars.
Spiritualistic sessions of great chess struggle, for the right of possession ������������ and the sky occured �������������� from Angels and people, but not �������������� from afraid Misters. Afraid the God everything was known almost, except for days and hours of the main events. The God who is always pulled out a victory at anticipated pleasure to be already by the winner knows about them only. From such unexpectedness at ���������� Light there is �������������������������� triumph, and at ���������� human an exclamation as at ��������, that on the ground and in the sky only the Lord is the God, and there is no God of other. And we too revere and we admire, knowing, that the source of all signs and miracles in the world Heavenly and Terrestrial is our Lord Jesus whom alive embodiment of the Word of the God of the Father is, sent with the Sky. In it ��� the new life which has become by prophetical light for ruined ���������� of Eve to which it is necessary freedom in the Christ and


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PREFACE Ancient prophecy fulfilled and New Testament authors inspired scriptures. For the truth, Sam, the Holy Spirit, inspired them to see Bogoduhnovennye dreams and visions, secrets which were last time. Negationist these themes in ancient times had killed many of the authors of their prophetic book, but did not change the course of historical events that have been preduznany Lord of lords and king of all kings. Seance great chess struggle for the right to possession of the land and sky were hidden from angels and humans, but not on covertly boyaschihsya Lord. Those who fear God knew almost everything except the days and hours of major events. They know only God, always look forward to wrest victory from the joy already be a winner. From such a surprise among the sons of Light takes place nepreoborimoe jubilation, and the sons of men ejaculation, as with Elijah, that the earth and in heaven, only God is God and there is a God. And we also blagogoveem and admire, knowing that the source of all signs and wonders in the world of celestial and earthly is our Lord Jesus, who is a living embodiment of the Word of God the Father sent from heaven. It - the new life that has become prophetic light undone for the sons of Eve, which accounts for their freedom in Christ and 6

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The prophecies of the ancient and New-Testament authors of inspired writings happened. On the truth, very spirit of saint, inspired them to see The [bogodukhnovennye] sleeps and the visions, whose secrets related to the last time. [Otritsateli] of these themes in the antiquity killed many authors of their prophetic books, but they did not change the motion of those historical events, which were [preduznany] the Lord of all of those ruling and the tsar of all tsars.
The spiritistic sessions of great chess fight, for the right of possession to [zemleyu] and by sky proceeded secretly from the angels and the people, but not secretly from those being being afraid gentlemen. That afraid of god was known almost all, except days and hours of main events. About them knows only the god, who always pulled out victory in that looked forward happiness to be already conqueror. From this unexpected contingency in the sons of light occurs insuperable rejoicing, and in the sons of human exclamation as with [Ilii], that on the earth and before the sky only the Lord is god, and there is no god of other. And we also revere and are enraptured, knowing that by the source of all signs and miracles in the world celestial and terrestrial there is our Lord [Iisus], whom is living embodiment of the word of the god of father, sent from the sky. In it - the new life, which became prophetic light for the ruined sons of Evas, whom it is freedom its in Christ and


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The right of the eternal future. To defend in tests. Test of our spirit for all us, elites from creation of the world should tell, that, are absolutely necessary, that memory of our soul became stronger events of Dominical victories over our bodies. Our body is doomed, certainly, because sinfully, but in memory of soul for ever there are those cases when we fell and rose by means of Spirit ���������� through belief in our Christ Jesus that all glory of rescue belonged not to us, and to the God who has become by a flesh. Also what we know? We know that we love our Lord, because, not seeing an output from hopelessness, we appeal to it, and It, being is true to us, answers, changing night of a mortal shadow in unexpected day of rescue.
About what I wish to tell? Severe slavery for Christians in Soviet Union ��� a mortal shadow, in fetters of the Iron Curtain. But from experience to us, it is obvious, what not always the gloom is eternal there where it is condensed for the God to all times has morning and evening, and hour of approach of day of new time comes. The satan has lost for the struggle good luck; the Iron Curtain was slightly opened. And it will open wide open for an input of all Christians, all names, from the Soviet house of slavery.
These our hopes will be justified by the Christ. And who is incorrect ��� let will be incorrect; in the end ��� the ends, it is its choice ��� for it is impossible to serve two misters. That is to the Lord and ������������.
Fidelity true in belief and trust to the God to not look back back, as owes to the plowman, which should work to plough all field, to look after it, to wait a crop.
Soviet Union ��� Babylon �������������������������� time. That it so, we learn on fruits, what any


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the right to eternal future. defend in the tests. I must say that the spirit of our test for all of us, elected from the establishment of peace, indispensable to the memory of our souls strengthened events LORD victories in our bodies. The body of our doomed, of course, because sinful, but in your soul forever remained in cases where we fell and rose with the help of the Spirit of God through our faith in Christ Jesus to all the glory belonged not rescue us, God became flesh. And what do we know? We know that love our Lord, because they do not see a way out of hopelessness, appeal to him, but he is faithful to us, responds by changing the night the shadow of death in an unexpected day of salvation. What I want to say? The brutal slavery for Christians in the Soviet Union - the shadow of death, in the shackles of the Iron Curtain. But from the experience we have, obviously, not always eternal darkness, where he sguschen, because with God all the time is morning and evening and arrives hour of the day a new time. Satan lost his battle with God; iron curtain priotkrylsya. And it opens wide the entrance to all Christians, all the names of the Soviet house of bondage. These we hope will live Christ. And who wrong - let them be wrong in the end - all, is his choice - which can not serve two masters. that is, God and Mamon. Faithfulness to the faithful in the faith and trust in God, not to look back, as should Pahari, which must work hard to vspahat all his field, caring for them to wait for the harvest. The Soviet Union - Babylon, New Testament times. As it is, we learn of the benefits, which none 7

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right eternal future. to defend in the tests. Must say that spirit testing of our for all us, selected from the creation of peace, it is completely necessary so that the memory of our soul would be strengthened by the events Of [gospodnikh] victories in our bodies. Body our is doomed, of course, because sinful, but in the memory of soul forever remain those cases, when we fell and they arose with the aid of the spirit of [Iisusa] God through the faith in Christ's our so that entire glory of rescuing would belong not to us, but to god, who became flesh. And that we do know? We know that the fact that we love our gentlemen, because, without seeing output from the hopelessness, we appeal to it, but it is, being accurate to us, it answers, changing the night of mortal shadow during the unexpected day of rescuing.
About which I do want to speak? Severe servitude for the Christians in the Soviet Union - mortal shadow, in the fetters of the Iron Curtain. But from the experience to us, it is obvious, that not always gloom is eternal, where it is condensed, since in god to all times there is the morning and evening, and the hour of the offensive of the day of new time comes. Satan lost its fight with the god; the Iron Curtain was opened slightly. And it will be opened wide for the entrance of all Christians, all names, from the Soviet house of servitude.
Christ will justify these our hopes. But who is incorrect - let be incorrect; at the end - ends, this is its selection - since it is not possible to serve two gentlemen. i.e., to the Lord and Mamon.
The faithfulness of accurate in faith and confidence in god in order not to be examined back, as it is must to the ploughman, who must work in order to plough entire its field, to handle it in order to wait for harvest.
The Soviet Union - Babylon of New-Testament time. What this so, we learn on the fruits, such as not one


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The state in the world did not bring. Lenin, Stalin's proud blasphemy and ������ with them ��� a sign
Time about turncoats on Daniel's prophecy.

The period of collectivization ��� terrible page of history of the USSR. Vainly from breasts of millions and millions Russians the sigh of simplification was pulled out. When later 7 years after bloody October revolution the first and main usurper of imperial and Russian empire of Century I.Lenin has died (TWISTED).
I.Stalin who has greedy absorbed ideas of Marx and Lenin, has presented two Ulyanov's world in the uniform person. Mind it was not great, but knew as a real devil in it. Lenin's "smart" freedom it liquidated all with heads of the enemies. Lenin's colleagues because the majority of them, certainly, were more competently and more cleverly it. Trotsky managed to escape the head abroad only therefore. That all army forces and �������������� bolsheviks openly expressed to it sympathies. Trotsky for them was Lenin today. But there is from them nobody either in children and or in grandsons. The severe executioner cut off all under a root and, even bones threw out from the ground, Suspected. That in Lenin's death it was ��������������. However, who that sowed, that and has shaken that. In fact the first Lenin has founded terrible and with what not ������������������ prisons and a concentration camp. Felix Dzerzhinsky under its instruction has founded such group: ����, which and in new sets all the same lenin; and it then liquidates


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State in the world brings. Gordov blasphemy Lenin, Stalin and below them - a sign Time to pervert prophecy of Daniel. PERIOD KOLLEKTIVIZATSII 1 The period of collectivization - a terrible page of history of the Soviet Union. In vain from the breasts of millions and millions of Russians escaped a sigh of relief. when after 7 years after a bloody coup, died on October first and main usurper Tsarist Russian Empire and V. I. Lenin (VIL). J. Stalin, greedily absorbed the ideas of Marx and Lenin, gave the world two Ulyanovyh a single his face. Sensibly, he was not great, but knew as a regular in the devil. All «ingenious» freedom of Lenin, he removed with the heads of their enemies. Lenin's companions, because most of them, of course, were literate and smarter than him. Trotskomu managed to save his head fleeing abroad just because. that all armed forces and lenintsy Bolsheviks openly expressed its sympathies. Trotsky was Lenin for them today. But no one man nor the children and grandchildren in either. Violent executioner srezal all under the root and even bone emitted from the earth, was suspected. that the death of Lenin, he was guilty. However, those that sow, he then shook. For the first Lenin created terrible and neither is not comparable to prisons and concentration camps. Felix Dzerzhinsky to its instructions to establish this panel: the KGB, which in the new sets are the same Leninist, and it was then eliminates 8

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state in the world did not bring. Proud blasphemy of Lenin, Stalin and to [izhe] with them - the sign
time about the defectors on the prophecy of Danil.

Period of collectivization - terrible page of the history of the USSR. In vain the sigh of lightening was pulled out from breasts of millions and millions of Russians. when after 7 years after bloody October revolution died the first and main usurper of tsarist and Russian empire [V]. [I]. Lenin (PITCHFORKS).
[I]. Stalin, who greedily absorbed the ideas of Marx and Lenin, presented to peace two Ulyanovs in his united face. By mind he was not great, but he knew as real in it devil. All crafty freedoms of Lenin it liquidated with head of its enemies. the companions-in-arms of Lenin, because majority of them were undoubtedly more competent and it is clever him. Trotsky succeeded in saving his head by flight abroad only therefore. that all army forces and the Leninists Bolsheviks openly expressed to it sympathy. Trotsky for them was Lenin today. Then there is of them no one either in the children and or in the grandsons. Cruel hangman cut off all under the root and, he ejected even bones from the earth, they suspected. that in Lenin's death it was guilty. However, who that sowed, that shook. Indeed first Lenin founded the terrible and without anything not comparable prisons also of concentration camp. Felix Dzerzhinskiy for its indication founded this group: [CHK], which and in the new collections entire the same Leninist; and precisely it then liquidates


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Stalin. Islands Solovetskie became the first concentration camps. Them has created Lenin. As the absolute sample of atheistic villainy and Stalin with pleasure has apprehended their sample, for a celebration of the most mad in the world of ideas.
Stalin was the worthless and illiterate usurper, but it has created in time such obedient to it the device of the Central Committee to which the died usurper could envy. All near Joseph Vissarionovicha Dzhugashvili's instructions on mind for its name was such, were carried out obediently and zealously for all executors of its silly will trembled for the life.
They shiver and now though there is no already Stalin and ������ with it. Shiver before system which nobody dares to change for its change would be meant with refusal of the Soviet authority. Democracy on a paper it ��������������������, and democracy in practice is a death to communism. However. �� The developed socialism �� according to Brezhnev, and communism ��� still dreams of " the light future �� is carried out only. Georgians on this question speak, for example. So: �� Communism not far off. And we live behind mountains. Therefore the communism at us will not be ��.
Certainly, will not be, for also that is not present socialism. And there is only bloody establishment extreme ������������������. Which is carried out here 70 years. Nothing changing in the essence at all Secretaries general and Gorbachev. But. ����������������, about collectivization of the agrarian population of all country.

I was the boy when all it has twirled and has begun. The whole villages ������������������������������ also sent to Siberia. A fist, ���������������� and the poor man,


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of Stalin. Solovetsky Islands were the first concentration camps. They created Lenin. as the sample atheistic villainy and Stalin are happy to learn their pattern, for the triumph of the most foolish in the world of ideas. Stalin was talentless and illiterate usurpers, but he created in his time of such obedient to him the Central Committee apparatus, which could put a dead usurper. All guidelines for the reason near Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, because such was his name, performed obediently and jealous, because all his silly singers will tremble for their lives. Tremble and they are now, although there is already Stalin and below him. Tremble same system, which no one dares to change, because changing it would mean the rejection of Soviet power. Democracy on paper is poleninski and democracy in fact - is the death of communism. Still. proceed only «developed socialism» according to Brezhnev, and communism - is still dreams «brighter future». Georgians on the merits of the issue say, for example. so: «Communism is not far off. And we live far away. Therefore, communism, we will not be ». Of course, there will be no socialism and because it is not. And there are only a bloody institution rabid satanizma. which is now 70 years old. nothing is changing in its nature, with all Gensekah and Gorbachev. But. pokamest, collectivization of the agrarian population throughout the country. 2 I was a boy, when all this began and twist. Entire villages raskulachivalis and sent to Siberia. Kulak, serednyak and poor, 9

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[stalina] himself. Solovetsky islands became the first concentration camps. Lenin created them. as the [sovershenneyshiy] model of atheistic villainy and Stalin with happiness perceived their model, for the celebration of the most reckless in the world ideas.
Stalin was talentless and illiterate usurper, but he created in his time such obedient it the apparatus of TsK, to which the dead usurper could envy. All directives of near on the mind Joseph Vissarionovich [Dzhugashvili], since similar was his name, were carried out obediently and zealous, since all executors of his foolish will they shook for their life.
They shake and now, although there is no already Stalin and to [izhe] with it. However, they shake before the system, which no one laughs to change, since its change it would indicate failure of the Soviet regime. Democracy on the paper this of [poleninski], while democracy in reality - this is death to communism. However. is realized only developed socialism according to Brezhnev, and communism - still the dream of bright future. The Georgians actually of this question speak, for example. thus: Communism at hand. But we live after the mountains. therefore communism we will not have.
Certainly, it will not be, since and there is no socialism that. But there is only a bloody establishment of frantic [satanizma]. which is achieved here already 70 years. anything changing in its essence with all Secretary Generals and Gorbachev. No. meanwhile, on the collectivization of the agrarian population of the entire country.

I was the boy, when all this twisted and began. Entire villages were dispossessed and left for Siberia. Kulak, yeoman farmer pauper,


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These are three categories of rural workers; the most hardworking; less happy; and unhappy it is absolute, more often idlers from among the last. The Soviet authority has organized groups of robbers of agricultural population of all country. What did they do? Under a pretext of that fists hide bread from young Soviet Russia, these groups armed by long peaks of the Don and Kuban cossacks, the court yard, three categories of the struck dumb peasants rushed absolutely into all.
In the house of grandfather Kalantaja which has given a mercy house shelter to family of my father, in the end of the twentieth years reigned already famine. Our village, ��������������, in territory of Kursk province (nowadays areas) differed special poverty. Very few people lived there hardly �������������������� poor men, on an environment of that place. Breads hardly sufficed from a crop till a crop, and to the beginning of an arable season of pure rye bread of very few people ate, and baked bread in a mix with a potato, with a potato peel and rough bran. When the robbery of bread at the population of village Kobylki has begun, grandfather Kalantaju had nothing to hide from new authority. I remember, that bread was eaten with us at that time at all with rye bran, and with ���������������� from an oats and barley. The potato fastened structure of such breads, in the form of small flat cakes and they climbed in a drink with greater work. I cried, because barley and �������������� the peel strongly pricked in a throat. Cried, but ate, as well as my two brothers because anything else in the house and was not. Mother and the father mine worked at cloth factory in the city of Glushkovo. Now ���������������� - the regional center of villages of that place and ours ��������������. Home parents ran time or two in a month, but with itself did not bring almost anything a food because and in Glushkov, as well as everywhere, there was a famine. ���������� ������������������������ has hidden


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are three categories of rural workers, the most hardworking, less happy and unhappy is, more often poke from the past. The Soviet authorities organized brigades robbers rural population throughout the country. What are they doing? Under the pretext that Fists hiding bread from the young Soviet Russia, these squads armed with long peaks Don and Kuban Cossacks, entering completely into all yards, three categories otoropevshih peasants. The house Kalantaya grandfather, who gave the gracious home of my father's family shelter, in the late twenties has prevailed hunger. The village of ours, bridge, inside the Kursk province (now the area) are particularly poverty. Few people lived there just off the poor natural conditions of the place. Bread is barely enough of the crop to harvest and the beginning of the season arable clean rye bread, few people ate, and pekli bread mixed with potato, potato with skin and serious cuts. When the looting began bread from the village population Kobylki, grandfather Kalantayu nothing to hide from the new government. I remember that we ate bread at a time, not even with rye bran, but ustyukami from oats and barley. Potatoes knit structure of bread in the form of small cakes and Leslie in the throat they are very difficult. I wept because barley and Oatmeal paring much of colonialism in the throat. Wept, but ate like two of my brother, because nothing else in the house and was not. The mother and my father worked at the cloth factory in the city Glushkovo. Now Glushkovo - the villages of the district center of the place and our same Kobylok. Home naezzhali parents once or twice a month, but with him not to bring little food, because in the Glushkove, as elsewhere, there was a famine. Babka Kalantaychiha hid 10

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these are is three categories of rural toilers; the most industrious; less happy; and unfortunate absolutely, it is more frequent than idlers from the number of latter. The Soviet regime organized the forces of the robbers of the rural population of the entire country. What they did make? Under the pretext of the fact that the kulaks hide bread from young Soviet Russia, these forces, armed by the long peaks of Donskoy and [Kubanskikh] cossacks, they were dug in absolutely into all courts, three categories of the been astonished peasants.
In the house of the grandfather [Kalantaya], who gave gracious domestic shelter to the family of my father, at the end the twentieth years reigned already hunger. Village our, fillies, in the territory of Kursk province (now region) differed in terms of special poverty. Almost no one lived there only more prosperous than paupers, on the natural conditions of that place. Grain crops hardly it was sufficient from the harvest to the harvest, and at the beginning the arable season of clean rye bread almost no one ate, and they baked bread in the mixture with the potatoes, with the potato rind and the rough bran. When the robbery of bread in the population of the village of filly began, grandfather [Kalantayu] something was hide from the new authority. I remember that bread we ate at that time even not with the rye bran, but with [ustyukami] from the oats and the barley. Potatoes fastened the structure of such grain crops, in the form small flat cakes climbed into the throat they with great difficulty. I cried, because barley and oat rind strongly split in the throat. It cried, but ate as two my brothers, because nothing other in the house and it was. Mother and father my worked at the cloth factory in [Glushkovo] city. Now [Glushkovo] - rayon center of the villages of that place and our fillies. Home parents collided once or two per month, but with themselves they brought almost nothing edible, because in Glushkov as everywhere, there was hunger. The mandrel Of [kalantaychikha] hid


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Under the lock in a box for grain of a half a kilogram of millet, in hope for a crop for the future season. This everything, that was at hardworking ������������������. The grandmother zealously and with tears prayed to images that hung in a honourable corner of its room in a frame embroidered Ukrainian ����������������, it took and me with herself on a pray, and I then have been learned by her of the Dominical pray �� �������� ours ��. It drove me and in church: beautiful, stone and with domes. ���������������� were my God parents and, certainly, very much me loved. I accepted a sacred participle together with the grandmother from hands local orthodox fathers Chernysha. It was ������������ on all parameters for its beautiful wavy hair up to shoulders and very appeasable beard were such black that is more black it is impossible to think up. The church sweet wine, submitted to me it in small silver �������������� with the twisted handle, was such pleasant, that it is remembered till now, as well as from bewitching, full caress by a smile. Now in ���������������� the beautiful church of that is not present (communists have destroyed), and that ������������ has run away, and it is not known where wanders, or was lost during terrible round-ups of orthodox and Protestant clerics as alive witnesses of first cleanings ���� and �������� the Stalin period narrate still.
���������������������������� �������������� occured so.
In a wide gate of God grandfather Kapantaja, I remember, with noise the cart with pair horses has rolled. Has rolled and was valiantly developed on departure. From a cart banish three with guns and long peaks. �� And well, show, ����������������, where �������������� bread! On good, it has not turned out yet on bad ��. �� There is no at us a bread. Sonnies! �� ��� my God grandmother has begun to wail with tears. �� There is no at us a bread �� ��� gloomy ��������������������������������


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a locked box for grain'd like a pound of millet, in the hope of a harvest for next season. That's all that was a hard-working Kalantaev. Grandmother zealously and with tears prayed a way that hung in her honor corner of the parlor framed by embroidered Ukrainian rushnyk, and she took me with them to pray, and then I learned it was the Lord's Prayer «Our Father». She also vodila me and the church: a beautiful, stone and domes. Kalantak krestnymi were my parents and, of course, I was very loved. I took Holy Communion together with a grandmother out of the hands tamoshnego Orthodox batyushki Chernysha. He was Chernysh on all parameters, because of its beautiful wavy hair to the shoulders and very easy black beard were such that black can not come up. Church sweet wine, I filed them in a small silver spoon with a twisted handle, it was so pleasant that the recall is still, like himself, he was charming, full of affection smile. Now the bridge is not a beautiful church (the communists destroyed), and it is Chernysh fled, and not known where skitaetsya or died during the terrible raids on Orthodox and Protestant clergy, as narrates still living witnesses to the first cleansing of the KGB and Stalin MVKD period. Raskulachivanie Kobylok happened since. In the wide gate Kapantaya religious grandfather, I remember, noise vkatila cart with a pair of horses. Vkatila and famously deployed to leave. With carts off with three guns and long peaks. «And I showed Kapantay where hidden bread! For good until you get on the bad ». «No, we bread. synki! »- zagolosila with tears krestnaya my grandmother. «No, we bread» - gloomy podtverupryazhdil 11

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under the lock in the box for the grain of half a kilo of millet, in the hope for harvest for the future season. This all, which was in industrious [Kalantaev]. Grandmother zealous and with the tears prayed to means, that they hang in the honorable angle of her room in the framing of embroidered Ukrainian [rushnikov], it took me with itself to the prayer, and I then was taught by it [Gospodney] prayer father our. It conducted me, also, into the church: beautiful, rock and with the cupolas. [Kalantak] were my cross parents and they undoubtedly greatly me loved. I assumed holy participle together with the grandmother from the hands of the local orthodox father Of [chernysha]. He was [Chernysh] from all parameters, since its beautiful wavy hair to the arms and very reasonable beard they were such black, that blacker it cannot be devised. Church sweet wine, subject to me by them in the small silver spoon with the beaten knob, were such pleasant, which is remembered, until now as and itself it from bewitching, complete kindness by smile. Now in the fillies of beautiful church that no (Communists they destroyed), and that [Chernysh] itself ran out, and unknown where it wanders, or it perished during the terrible round-ups to the orthodox and protestant clergymen, as narrate the even more living witnesses of first cleanings [CHK] and [MVKD] of Stalin period.
The dekulakization of fillies occurred thus.
[Kapantaya], I remember in the wide gates of cross grandfather, the cart with the pair of horses rolled in with noise. It rolled in and dashingly was developed to the departure. From the cart exile three with the guns and the long peaks. A well, show, [Kapantay], where bread is hidden! On good, until it comes out on the poor. Do not have we bread. sons! - began to wail with the tears my cross grandmother. Do not have we bread - is gloomy [podtverupryazhdil]


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������ ����������������. �������������������������! ���������� ������������, ���� ���� ��������������! ���������� ���������������� ���� ������������. ������ �������� ������������: ������������. ���������� ��������. �������� ����������������. ������-����. ��������������! ���� ��������������! ��� ������������������ ������������������ �� ���������������� ���� ���������� ����������, ������ �� �������� �� ���� ����������. ������������ ������������ �� ������������ ���������� ���������� ���������������������� ������ ��������, �� ������������������������ ���������� ������ �������������� �������� �� �� ������������. ���������� �� ���������� (������ ���������������� �������������� ����������), ������ �������������� ��������, ������������ �� ������ ������������ ������������ ������������ �� ������������ ������ ��������, ���������������� ���������� ������ ������������. �� ������������ ���������� ������ ������������ �� �������� ����������������. ���������������� ������ ��������������, ���������������� �������������������� ��������. �������� ������, ���� ���� ��������������. �� ���� �� ���������� �������������������������������� ���� ���������� �� ������������, �� �������������� �������� ���������������� �� ���������� �� ����������. ��������������������. �������� ������������, ���������� �������������������� �� ���������������� �������������� ��������������. ���������������� ��������. �� �������������� ���� �������� ���������� ���������������� ������������������������ ��������������. �������� ��������������, ������ ��, ������ ���� ����������. ������������������ ������������������. ���������� ����������. ������������ ������������ ���� ������ ���� ����������, ������ ������������ ������ �� ����������. ����������. ������ ������������ ������ ������������ ����������������. ������������ �������� ����������������������, ���������� ������������������ �������������������� (���� ���� �������������� ����������������) �������� ���������� ������ ������������ ��������. �������������������� ������������. ������������ �������� ������������ ������������. ������������ ������������. ���������� ��������������������. ���������� ���� �� �������� �� ���������������� ���� ��������. �������������� ���������� �������� �� ������ ����������. ���������������������� �������������� �������������������������� �� �������������� ��, ��������������. ��������������: ���� ���� ������������������������, ������ ���������������� ��������!�� �������� ��������. ������ �������������� ���� ���������� ������ ������������ ��������������������. �������������������� ���������������� ��������������, ���������� ���� ����������������. �� ���������� ������������������ ������ ���������������� ������������ �� ������ ���������������� ������ ������������. ������������ ������ ������ ��������. ������. �������� �������� ���� ������������?��. ������ ������������, ���������� ������������������. ������ ��������. ������ ���� ���������� �������������������� ���������� �������� ���� ������������������, �� ���� �������������� �� �������������� ����������.


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Grandfather Kalantaj. "Well" look! If we shall find, we shall not spare! There will be an execution on a place ��. The grandfather has silently told: �� Search. There will be a miracle. If will find "." ����-well. Olden time! We shall not spare! ��� robbers have cried and have rushed on a search of everything, that in the house and in a court yard. Sticked with peaks into friable walls for a long time the hut which have decayed already, in doubtful places under walls of the house and at a fence. Send in ���������� (so named a high shed) where stored hay, straw and where old collars and everyone for a horse which for a long time already ������������ hung. And cows for a long time already ������������ at my old men. Killed or have sold, feeling hanging trouble. If so, by time. And that would withdraw �������������������������������� from a court yard and leanness, at neighbours in fact selected also horses and cows. Were exhausted. �������� peaks, it is juicy �������������������� and swore �������������� abuse. Disgracing the God. I looked at these people the greater expanded eyes. Me pushed, for I as pressed close. Scaredly ������������������. Everywhere stirred. Sticked with peaks into all those places where stood the grandfather with the woman. Thinking. What exactly there is hidden desirable. The shabby hut shuddered, when ������������������ the Village Soviet (them on a miscellaneous named) conducted search under a roof of the house. �������������������� peaks. The roof of a hut dropped straw. Other roof. Except for straw. Almost at anybody in ���������������� was not. Straw had been covered also all sheds. Dusty have got out �������������������������� from an attic and, swearing. Shouted: �� And well confess, where have hidden bread! �� It was clear. What to leave from a court yard without anything to robbers. Allocated mad imperously, it would not be desirable in any way. In ���������� ������������������ all ���������������� collars and all unusable already a harness. �� What for all this to you. The grandfather. If a horse you have no? ��. The grandfather was silent, gloomy snuffling. For knew. That for any harmless word of a trouble you will not be gathered, and for insulting and could beat.


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Kalantay grandfather. «Well," See! Ezhela find, it will spare no! There will be shooting at the scene ». Santa quietly said: «Look. There will be a miracle. if you find ». «Moo-well. old fellow! Will spare no! - Cried out thieves and Kinula search of all that at home and in the yard. Poke peaks in the loose wall has long been dilapidated haty in dubious place in the walls of the house and the fence. Clooney came in (the so-called high barn), which stored hay, straw and hung with old clamps and for any horse, which has long been nebylo. And cows have long nebylo my elders. Zarezali or sold, feeling pendent trouble. If so, at the time. and then b koplektivizatory away from the yard and leanness, with neighbors in fact selected and horses and cows. Jade. tycha peaks, juicy splevyvali and rugalis terrible abuse. dishonor God. I looked at these people very eyes widened. I pushed, because I, like any zhalsya. hand ispuganno. everywhere prevented. Poke peaks in all those places where grandfather stood with Baba. thinking. that there is hidden desired. Vethaya hut shudder when otryadniki Village (them differently named) searched under the roof of the house. Istykannaya peaks. haty drop straw roof. Another roof. except for straw. Almost no one in the bridge was not. Solomon had been covered and all the sheds. Dust-filled hleboiskazheli off with the attic and rugayas. shouted: «A well aware of where the hidden bread!» was unclear. that leave the apartment without anything robbers. vested with power mad, does not like. In Clooney posnimali all oblezshie clamps, and all have bad draft. «Why do all this for you. grandfather. the number of horse does not have? ». Grandfather was silent, gloomy posapyvaya. because I was sure. that for any word of trouble is not harmless obereshsya, but for offensive and reach can. 12

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grandfather [Kalantay]. Well you look! If let us find, then not let us [poshchadim]! Will be shooting on the spot. Grandfather quietly said: Search for. There will be miracle. if you find. Mu- well. old times! Not let us [poshchadim]! - yelled robbers and they threw to the search in all, that in the house and in the court. They poked by peaks into the friable walls of the long ago fallen into decay already hut, into the doubtful places under the walls of house and in fence. they visited into [klunyu] (thus was called high shed), where were stored hay, straw and where they hang old yokes and everyone for the horse, which long ago already [nebylo]. And cow long ago already [nebylo] in my old men. They slaughtered or sold, feeling the hanging misfortune. If so, then to the time. and the b they took away [koplektivizatory] from the court and thinness, in neighbors indeed they selected both horses and cows. They tormented. [tycha] by peaks, juicy spat out and were scolded by terrible abuse. disgracing god. I looked at these people by the large extended eyes. Me pushed, since I, however he pressed close. frightenedly [storonyas]. everywhere it interfered. They poked by peaks into all those places, where they stood grandfather with the ram. thinking. which precisely is there hidden desired. Decrepit hut shuddered, when [otryadniki] of the village soviet (they in different ways were called) they conducted search under the roof of house. Pierced by peaks. the roofing of hut dropped straw. Another roofing. besides straw. almost not whom in the fillies had. By straw were covered all sheds. Covered with dust came out [khleboiskazheli] from the garret and, being scolded. they shouted: A well confess, where they hid bread! It was clear. what to depart from the court without anything to robbers. those allotted by reckless imperiously, it in no way wanted. In [klune] took off all grown bare yokes and entire unfit already drawgear. Why all this to you. grandfather. if a horse you do not have?. Grandfather kept silent, gloomy snuffling. since he knew. that you are not selected for any inoffensive word of misfortune, but and nail they could for the offensive.


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���������� �������� �������� ���� ��������, ���� �������������� ���������� ���������������� ����������. ������ ������������������ ���������������� �������������������� �� ���������� ����������.
���� ����, ����������, ���������������� �������� ����������!�� ��� ���������������� ���������� ��������������. �������������� �� ������������ �� ���������������� ���������� ������������ ��������, ���� ���������� ���� ����������������. �������� ���� ������������������. ���������� ������������. �� ���� ������������ �������� ������������ ����������. ������ ��������. ������ ���������� ���������� ��� �������������� ��������������. ������ ������������". ������ ��������������. ������ ���� ������������ ������������ ������������ ������������ �������� ���� ���������� �� ���������� �������������� ������������ ��������. �������� ���������� ��������������. ������������ ������ ������ ��������. ������. ������ ���������� �������������� ���������������� ����������. �������� ���������� ���������������� ���������� ��� ����������. �������������������� ��������������
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���������� ���� ������������������ ���� ��������. �� �������� ������������ ������������: ������ ������������������! ���� ������������������! ������ ������������������.' ������������ ������������ ������! �������� ���������� ���������������� �� ���� ������. ����������, ������������...��


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���������� the look has fallen to a box on which hung ���������������� the lock. Where it was stored half-buckets of "sweet" millet in famine.
�� And well, ����������, open the lock! �� ��� has cried the most important. The grandmother in a fright and in a hurry began to search for a key, but anywhere did not find. Its hands were was afraid. The voice shivered. And from old eyes tears flew. �� I do not know. Where the key �� has got to ��� the old woman has told. You "do not know". It is clear. That you do not wish to submit key �� one of a three has told and has roughly pushed an empty box. The box has easily moved. Because was empty. For. That could mean half-buckets of millet. �� There all half-bucket of millet ��� crying. The grandmother has admitted
And to children hungry we do not give. Can. We shall sow. Yes we shall collect ���������� "." ��������. Do not complain, the hag old. We shall check up. We shall see. Break the lock! �� The lock could not break, and iron ���������� have turned out, having broken a board. Have opened a box and one of �������������������������������� has climbed inside. Depths of a box was hardly more belts. �� Yes. Not densely here at you. ������������. And ��������. Submit here a broom or ������������! ��

���������� did not move from a shock. And only plaintively ������������: �� do not lift up! Do not take away! This last. ' More anything is not present! Even hungry I do not give children. Can, we shall sow... ��


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Cheyto eyes fell upon a box, which was hanging ambarny castle. stockpiles polvedra «sweet» in the famine of millet. «A well, grandmother, opens his castle!» - Cried the most important. The grandmother in a hurry became frightened and look for key, but never found. The hands of cowards. voice shaking. and from old eyes lilis tears. «I do not know. where delsya key »- old woman said. «Do not know". This is understandable. That does not want to lodge a key »said one of the three, and roughly pushed an empty box. Yaschik easily filed. Because it was empty. Because. Which could mean polvedra of millet.« It all polvedra of millet - weeping. Admitted grandmother and hungry children do not give. Maybe. sow. Yes collect something ». «Nuno. not hnych, an old hag. Check. 'll see. Loma Castle! »Castle were unable to break down and iron skobu vyvernuli, breaking a blackboard. Opening the box and a «Hunt» zalez inside. Bottoms was a box little more than a belt. «Yes. not crowded here with you. granny. A Nuka. Bring here broom or snow! » Babka is not moved from shock. but tearfully vopila: «Do not bully! Do not remove! This is the last. ' More nothing! Even children hungry, I do not give. Maybe sow ... » 13

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[Cheyto] look fell to the box, on which hang storehouse lock. where was stored [polvedra] of sweet into the hunger of millet.
A well, mandrel, open your lock! - yelled most important. Grandmother in the fright in a hurry began to search for key, but nowhere she found. Its hands were afraid of. voice shook. and tears flowed from the old eyes. I do not know. where to separate key - old woman said. Not [znaesh]". This is understandable. what you do not want to give key it said one of three and roughly pushed empty box. Box easily was given. because it was empty. since. which could mean [polvedra] of millet. There entire [polvedra] of millet - weeping. the grandmother acknowledged
and to children hungry we do not give. Can. let us sow. yes let us gather [chtoto]. To Nun. not to [khnych], hag trying. Let us verify. let us see. Break lock! They could not break lock, but they turned inside out cramp iron, after breaking board. They opened box and one of the hunters climbed up inward. The depths of box there was only more than belt. Yes. not densely here in you. ram. But [nuka]. give here broom or [metelyu]!

Mandrel did not move from the shock. and only tearfully it howled: Do not seize! Do not take away! This is [poslednee].' More there is nothing! Even children hungry I do not give. Maybe, let us sow


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���������� ������ �������������� ���������� ���������� �� ���������� ��������, ������ ������ �� ����������.
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------------------------Begin paralink Translator----------------

The broom or �������������� ���������� has found and has submitted to that was in a box.
I heard, how that ����������, collecting ���������������������� at the bottom millet. Has collected all in a bag, palms, almost up to a uniform kernel. Have thrown that have found, in an empty cart, have sat down and, whooping, ����������������. �� Where there to the Tatar up to such ��� ��������������, grandfather Kalantaj has told. ������������ were lovelier! �� The grandmother cried, and I have kept all that ���������������� in my boyish memory.
So all village, and all villages, adjacent with ������������������ has been dispossessed. And then there were many senses and the most sad news: ������������ have arrested and have taken away in ����������������, and with ���������������� ������������ further and so with the ends. The father with mother, having visited us from work, have only shaken helplessly heads, and, seeing, that we already swell, have taken away us, three kids. Have said goodbye with ��������������������, and ���������������� there. Where on �������������� to authentic hearings, there is a bread and is, as in a fairy tale.
But a fairy tale was not neither in the Far East, nor in the Tatar seaside, city of Kerch, on the most grain, happiest Kuban. In all these places our loving risk the father carried us, rescueing from severe famine. All country starved also people ����������, as flies so died on roads even buried not all.

In ����������

Dispossessed, ���������������������� without a message and taken away ������������ to far Siberia was so much, that many Russian and Ukrainian villages have not completely become empty almost. Remained have become members of ill-starred collective farms. And with believers, especially with ����������������, to turncoats of Orthodoxy,


------------------------End paralink Translator------------------

------------------------Begin google Translator----------------

Broom or scraping ktoto found and gave what was in the box. I've heard how he metet, gathering scattered at the bottom of millet. Sobral all in the bag, palms, almost to a single seed. Threw that found an empty cart, sat themselves and gikaya, downhill. «Where there until such Tatar - contract, said grandfather Kalantay. The Tatars were milee! »Grandmother cried, and I saved all the vision in my boyish memory. So raskulachena a whole village, and all the villages adjacent to the bridge. And then it was much bandied about and very sad news: claw arrested and taken away in Glushkovo, but Glushkovo kudato further, and so contrive. Father and Mother, put us to work, only shook his head helplessly, and saw that we have puhnem, took us three kids. Farewell to Kalantayami and downhill there. where kakimto credible rumors, eat bread and live like in the fairy-tale. But there was not a fairy tale in the Far East or in the Tatar seaside city of Kerch, nor on the bread, very happy Kuban. In all these places vozil us our foolhardy father to escape the cruel starvation. The entire country starve and people die as flies, so that deaths on the roads are not even buried all. in Kerch Raskulachennyh who disappeared without trace and taken kudato in distant Siberia was so much that many Russian and Ukrainian villages almost completely deserted. The remaining members became ill-fated collective farms. And with the faithful, especially with the same shtundami, otschepentsam orthodoxy, 14

------------------------End google Translator------------------

------------------------Begin babelfish Translator----------------

Broom or whisk [ktoto] found and gave so that it was in the box.
I heard, as that he sweeps, gathering the millet scattered on the bottom. Assembled everything into the bag, by palms, almost to the united grain. They threw that the fact that they found, in I am empty cart, mudflow themselves and, [gikaya], they rolled. Where there to Tatar to similar - frowning, said grandfather [Kalantay]. Tatars were more dearly! Grandmother cried, and I preserved all the [vidennoe] in my boyish memory.
It is so dispossessed it was entire village, and all villages, adjacent with the fillies. But there were then many senses and saddest news: [kogoto] they arrested and drove away into [Glushkovo], and [Glushkovo] [kudato] further and so with the ends. Father with the mother, after visiting us from the work, they only rocked helplessly by heads, and, seeing that we already swell, they took away us, three little-ones. They took leave with [Kalantayami], and they rolled there. where on some reliable rumors, there is bread and it lives, as in the fairy tale.
But there was no fairy tale either in the Far East, or in the Tatar littoral, Kerch' city, or on most bread, happiest Kuban. In all these places conveyed us our loving risk the father, saving from the severe hunger. Entire country starved and people of [gibli] as flies, so that dead persons on the roads even buried not all.

in Kerch'

Dispossessed, [ischeznuvshikh] without the news and driven away [kudato] into distant Siberia was so much, that many Russian and Ukrainian villages almost completely became deserted. Those remaining made by members of ill-fated kolkhozes. But with the believers, especially with stundism, to [otshchepentsam] of orthodoxy,


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